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Products>The Complete Jewish Study Bible Notes

The Complete Jewish Study Bible Notes

ISBN: 9781619708679

Digital Logos Edition

Please note: Due to licensing constraints, this version does not include the maps found in the print version.

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The Complete Jewish Study Bible Notes pair the newly updated text of the best-selling Complete Jewish Bible with detailed notes and comprehensive study material to help both Jewish and Christian readers understand and connect with the essence of their faith—God’s redemptive plan for his people. Readers will be enriched through this Jewish reading of Scripture and the revelation of the long-awaited Messiah, Yeshua, throughout both the Tanakh (Old Testament) and the B’rit Hadashah (New Testament).

Please note: The Complete Jewish Study Bible Notes are designed specifically for the Complete Jewish Bible—sold separately.

Resource Experts

Key Features

  • Includes over 100 articles—categorized into twelve themes—covering topics such as Jewish Customs, Messianic Prophecy, the Names of God, Shabbat, the Torah, and more
  • Incorporates over thirty additional topical articles—ranging from such subjects as the menorah and repentance, to Yeshua’s “Sermon on the Mount” and the Noachide Laws
  • Aids understanding with Bible book introductions written from a Jewish perspective
  • Helps readers understand the historical and cultural background of the text with extensive notes
  • Provides Scripture readings for Sabbaths, Festivals, Feasts, and Fasts
  • Includes original Hebrew names for all people, places, and concepts, as well as a pronunciation guide
  • Articles written by over thirty contributors (both Jewish and Christian), including Drs. John and Patrice Fischer, Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Rabbi Barney Kasdan, and many more
  • Features quotes and excerpts from well-known Rabbis and scholars, both ancient and modern, such as Dr. Walter Kaiser, Dr. Daniel Boyarin, Dr. Amy-Jill Levine, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Rabbi Gamaliel, Rabbi Hillel, Rabbi Shammai, Rabbi Akiva, Maimonides, Dr. Michael Brown, Dr. Michael Rydelnik, and many more

Top Highlights

“The Hebrew word for ‘work,’ avodah, is the same for ‘manual labor’ and ‘worshipping God.’ The picture we see here of the human’s work is that it was also a form of worship.” (Page 6)

“‘Why spend money for what isn’t food, your wages for what doesn’t satisfy?’ (v. 2), Rabbi Israel Slotki states that ‘worldly pursuits involve the spending of money and labor without satisfying the soul.’ It is only the word of Adonai that satisfies every human longing, and only God can meet every human need.” (Page 583)

“his providential care and protection for the faithful” (Page 931)

“Yeshua—is used in this Bible instead of the Greek translation, Jesus. Of course, there’s nothing inherently wrong in saying ‘Jesus,’ but it’s not how he was known to his family, friends, and first-century followers. To them, he was Yeshua, a Hebrew name meaning ‘salvation.’” (Page xvii)

“Rather, the believer has been made dead, not to all of Torah but to three aspects of it: (1) its capacity to stir up sin in him (vv. 5–14); (2) its capacity to produce irremediable guilt feelings (vv. 15–25); and (3) its penalties, punishments, and curses (8:1–4).” (Page 1615)


  • Steven A. Bernstein
  • Glenn David Blank
  • Daniel Boyarin
  • Ronald J. Corbett
  • Ralph Finley
  • John Fischer
  • Patrice Fischer
  • Malkah Forbes
  • David Friedman
  • Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
  • John D. Garr
  • David C. Harris
  • Benjamin Juster
  • Daniel C. Juster
  • Barney Kasdan
  • Elliot Klayman
  • Ron Moseley
  • Richard C. Nichol
  • Mark J. Rantz
  • Russell Resnik
  • Richard Robinson
  • Jacob Rosenberg
  • Isaac Roussel
  • Barry A. Rubin
  • Jeffrey Seif
  • David H. Stern
  • H. Bruce Stokes
  • Forrest Weiland

Barry Rubin leads the Emmanuel Messianic Jewish Congregation in Clarksville, MD, with his wife, Steffi.

In 1941, The United States is drawn into World War II. During that same year, Dr. Henry Einspruch publishes his classic book, The Yiddish New Testament, a breakthrough in evangelistic literature for Jewish people. Over the following decades, the publications of Lederer/Messianic Jewish Communications have been widely used to impact thousands of Jewish people with the Good News of Messiah. These books and tracts have been distributed in the Orthodox Jewish community, have been given out to Jews in the former Soviet Union, and have been used by Messianic congregations and Jewish outreaches all over the world. Messianic Jewish Publishers mission is two-pronged: Reaching out to Jewish people with the message of Messiah and teaching the non-Jewish spiritual family about their Jewish roots.

Sample Pages from the Print Edition


5 ratings

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  1. Rev. Werner Z Ochoa
  2. Tyrone K Toler
    Not what I expected!! Thought this would be more in depth. Very disappointed!
  3. Lincoln A. Bovee'
  4. Brad Shockley

    Brad Shockley


  5. Scott L Baker
  6. Lee Baggs

    Lee Baggs


    Though not Jewish, I have in print, the Complete Jewish Bible--Translation by David H. Stern. I also have Jewish New Testament Commentary in print--by David H. Stern. I think that grounded Christians can benefit from open minded study, for an enhanced understanding of Jewish hearers, and expectation from before Jesus' life on earth and currently. I have the LOGOS Complete Jewish Bible and have ordered the pre-pub notes. Yes, they are sold separately. Not relevant, I like to compare the LOGOS New Jerusalem Bible text translation with the ESV, NIV, and NLT--my favorite Study Bibles. The 2016 Zondervan NIV Study Bible notes and commentary has/have a theological approach, rather than historical, headed up by D. A. Carson, with many respected contributors.
