Martin Luther's theological revolution depended in a significant part upon the distinction between law and gospel. Within the last hundred years, several authors have reevaluated the reformer's understanding of this paradigm in light of its development within the Lutheran orthodox tradition. Some authors have argued that the Lutheran scholastic view of God's law departs from that of Luther. Specifically, it is contended that the Lutheran orthodox argued for a definition of the law which defines it as God's eternal will in contradiction to Luther's approach, wherein the law is defined almost exclusively in negative terms, as a temporal order to eventually be replaced and superseded by the gospel. In this work, Jordan Cooper argues for the continued validity of the Lutheran orthodox definition of the law. Throughout this text, he contrasts the perspective of Radical Lutheran theologians, like Gerhard Forde, with that of earlier Lutheran writers such as Martin Chemnitz and Johann Gerhard. It is argued that Forde's view is inadequate to address contemporary ethical and pastoral issues, and that the Lutheran scholastic doctrine of the law as God's eternal will remains a necessary concept for the contemporary church.
“Yet, Elert defines the law primarily in relation to its effect upon the one hearing it. In this way, the law and condemnation became almost synonymous concepts. Elert denies the traditional confessional teaching regarding the third use of the law, viewing it as a Reformed invention which wrongfully infiltrated Lutheranism through Philip Melanchthon.” (source)
"With his usual crisp, direct style, Jordan Cooper marches
through the material of his latest conquest, tackling the place of
the law within Lutheran teaching and practice--especially within
the context of the pervasive influence of Gerhard Forde. The
presentation of evidence is thorough and fair, and while Cooper's
conclusions may not shock, where specific theologians are aligned
with regard to this debate may well provoke some surprise. I will
be recommending this book often."
--Joel Biermann, MDiv, PhD, Professor of Systematic Theology,
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis; author of A Case for
Character and Wholly Citizens
"Cooper clearly contrasts the Law/Gospel theology of the
confessional Lutheran tradition with that of Forde. Cooper's
compelling apologetic includes discussion of ordo salutis,
atonement theology, Reformed theology, antinomianism, and much
more. This biblically rooted and deeply confessional work
contributes theological precision and practical application to the
discussion of God's eternal Law."
--Curtis Leins, Presiding Pastor, American Association of Lutheran
"What is the role of the Law in the life of a Christian? For
Lutherans, the Book of Concord is definitive, demonstrated by
Chemnitz, Gerhard, and Pieper. Following the work of Scaer, Murray,
Biermann, etc., Cooper shows that Forde challenged not only the Law
(no 3rd use or Law as guide), but the atonement itself. Cooper
provides a foundation for evaluating implications of such a
position, which are significant for Christian theology and
--Richard Shields, President, American Lutheran Theological
1 rating
Austin Meier