Digital Logos Edition
In this volume, Brian Vickers argues that justification is God’s declaration that sinners are made right with him through faith in Christ—whose life, death, and resurrection provide forgiveness and the righteousness God desires for his people. Vickers traces how the doctrine unfolds in Scripture, showing that in Christ, God provides everything needed for sinners to be made right with him. Upholding the practical impact of this doctrine, he argues that a biblical understanding of justification will combat legalism, lawlessness, pride, and despair.
For more from the Explorations in Biblical Theology series, see here.
“Justification is not the whole of salvation or of the gospel, but it provides what is necessary to make us right with God and reorients us toward God’s ultimate goal in creation and salvation of having a people who trust him and, as a result of that trust, obey him from the heart. The goal for which God created us is reached only through sinners’ being justified, forgiven, and counted righteous in Christ—all by grace through faith. Justification by faith is not the whole of the gospel, but there is no gospel without justification by faith.” (Pages 2–3)
“It is no exaggeration to say that every sin begins with a refusal to accept this truth about ourselves. Whether we acknowledge it or not, we are creatures and not the Creator. Contrary to what we so often seem to want to believe, we are not independent, autonomous beings. We are creatures, created in the image of God. In other words, our life is, from the beginning, not strictly our own.” (Page 12)
“There are many ways to describe salvation through Christ, but no description is complete unless it stresses this one thing: that help and hope, forgiveness and righteousness, and freedom and assurance are found only by turning away from ourselves to believe in Christ’s all-sufficient work.” (Page 2)
“We are created beings made to be absolutely dependent on God. This is how we were designed.” (Page 12)
“Only by grasping God’s justifying word can they turn to the accuser and say to the voices in their heads, ‘Yes, I am an ungodly sinner, but Christ lived, died, and rose for me, and now I am washed, sanctified, and justified in him—that is what God says, and he always speaks the truth.’” (Pages 188–189)
With breathtaking scope Vickers traces Christ’s imputed righteousness from the pages of Genesis all the way to Paul and James.
—A. Andrew Das, Donald W. and Betty J. Buik Chair and Professor of Religious Studies, Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, IL
Vickers’ new work is to be warmly welcomed. Here we find a clear and accessible and—most importantly—biblical restatement of what the Scriptures teach about justification.
—Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
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