Digital Logos Edition
Martin Thorton’s classic text on spirituality appeals to all Christians, aiding believers in the formation of a biblically sound, historically rooted, and experientially rich spiritual life.
“2. Central to St Augustine’s theology is the relation between knowledge and love” (Page 63)
“All we are concerned with here is that the New Testament gives the threefold pattern which is at the heart of all Catholic practice: Eucharist-Office-personal devotion. And that the Church never doubted its importance: ‘And they continued stead-fastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in the prayers.’1 The Opus Dei was Christian long before it was Benedictine.” (Page 36)
“Again they demand the real thing and it will be a monstrous tragedy if the Church does not supply it. The Church concerning itself primarily with cultural and social activities must fail, for it is but substituting one kind of materialism for another.” (Pages 6–7)
“Ascetical-theology is concerned with Christian progress, which does not necessarily mean climbing the spiritual hierarchy from ‘lower’ to ‘higher’ forms of prayer, but rather with praying better in whatever way or state we happen to be. It is axiomatic to spiritual theology that progress is tested not by experience or feeling but by moral theology. Whatever our prayer, in whatever elementary stage it remains, we are making progress if we commit fewer sins.” (Pages 21–22)
“P. Harton makes the impressive claim that not only a general doctrine of grace but the later practical distinctions—habitual, actual, sanctifying, sacramental, prevenient, concomitant, sufficient, efficacious—are all traceable to a biblical source. With grace as the first Christian need, the thirteen texts1 given by Harton in support of his theory would make a good start to any study of biblical ascetic.” (Page 37)
I know of no other book that rivals Thornton’s work as a clear and well written compilation of so much valuable material.
—Review Of Books & Religion
Will provide both Protestant and Catholic readers with an exceptionally readable and thorough treatment of a shared tradition.
—Spiritual Live
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