Digital Logos Edition
The Ancient Christian Devotional Series provides a curated collection of quotations from the early church fathers as found in InterVarsity Press’ monumental Ancient Christian Commentary on Sacred Scripture series. Organized around the three-year lectionary cycle in use in a variety of churches, the editors of this set have drawn out the themes of each week and selected key quotations on every Bible passage in the Revised Common Lectionary. Each week’s entry elaborates on the connection between the biblical texts and helps you to read the Bible through the eyes of those key figures in the early church. Also including opening and closing prayers for each week, this set is a great tool for sermon preparation as well as a great devotional aid for the layman.
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“To search the sacred Scripture is very good and most profitable for the soul. For, ‘like a tree which is planted near the running waters,’ so does the soul watered by sacred Scripture also grow hearty and bear fruit in due season,” writes John of Damascus in Orthodox Faith (4.17).
By helping us to read holy writings with ancient eyes, the church fathers help us drink deeply from the only water that can give us true life. This guide to prayer and reflection combines excerpts from the writings of the church fathers as found in the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture with a simple structure for daily or weekly reading and prayer.
There are 52 weeks of readings following the weekly lectionary cycle A. You can read through them in order or by thematic interest. Each day you will also find a simple opening and closing prayer drawn from the prayers and hymns of the ancient church.
There are few books that appeal equally to the imagination and the professional interest of the scholar. [This] is one such book. Scholars can benefit professionally from using such a devotional: it is profitable to see those historical figures that are the objects of our study as being erring, yet worshipping, humans like ourselves
—John Reeve, Seminary Studies, Andrews University, Autumn 2008
My own rediscovery of liturgy, and my more recent appetite for the church fathers, find perfect combination in this new IVP book. At the end of the book is a helpful biographical section. I have found this devotional useful, and I turn to it now and then for more variety in my liturgical diet. Plus, because its liturgical programme is not too demanding it is nonthreatening and adaptable.
—Chris Tilling, Chrisendom, March 12, 2008
Reading the writings of early church fathers points us to the deep joy that awaits us in Christ when we drink deeply from Scripture, the only water that can give us true life. This guide for reflection combines excerpts from the writings of the church fathers as found in the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture with a simple structure for daily or weekly reading and prayer.
Included are 52 weeks of readings following the weekly lectionary cycle B which can be read in order or by thematic interest. Each day you will also find a simple opening and closing prayer drawn from the prayers and hymns of the ancient church.
This looks to be an excellent resource for any layperson who wants to learn more about the Scriptures, what they mean, and what the church fathers had to say about them, as well as for clergy, church and school libraries and Education for Ministry groups.
—Lois Sibley, Episcopal Journal, May 2012
By allowing us to read holy writings with ancient eyes, the church fathers help us drink deeply from the only water that can give us true life. A follow-up to the previous Ancient Christian Devotional, this devotional guide follows lectionary cycle C. This guide to prayer and reflection combines excerpts from the writings of the church fathers as found in the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture with a simple structure for daily or weekly reading and prayer.
There are 52 weeks of readings following the weekly lectionary cycle C, which you can read through in order or by thematic interest. Each day you will also find a simple opening and closing prayer drawn from the prayers and hymns of the ancient church.
The Ancient Christian Devotional can serve as a good introduction for those with no exposure to these earliest teachers of the faith. And for those who have been using devotionals written more recently, this one will provide a distinct enough change that you will likely find yourself reading more slowly, refelcting more deeply, and wondering more fully.
—Critique, Issue 3, 2009
Cindy Crosby is the author, contributor to, or compiler of more than twenty books, including By Willoway Brook: Exploring the Landscape of Prayer. Her writing has appeared in numerous publications including Publishers Weekly, Books & Culture, Christian Century, and Christianity Today. She speaks and teaches in the Chicago region.
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Scott Groethe
Andrew Heckmaster
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John Echols
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