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Products>Mobile Ed: TH331 Perspectives on Creation: Five Views on Its Meaning and Significance (5 hour course)

Mobile Ed: TH331 Perspectives on Creation: Five Views on Its Meaning and Significance (5 hour course)

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The belief that God created the world is foundational for Christians. However, the exact nature of God’s work in creation is debated. In this course, five leading Old Testament scholars present the distinct features and biblical bases of their particular views:

  • Joseph A. Pipa Jr. —Six-Day Creation
  • Mark D. Futato—Literary Framework
  • C. John Collins—Analogical Days View
  • Tremper Longman III—Evolutionary Creationism
  • John H. Walton—Identity Accounts

As they unpack the meaning and significance of the creation account, they discuss topics like hermeneutics, the genre of Genesis 1, the nature of the days in the creation week, ancient Near Eastern backgrounds and ancient cosmology, the relationship between the Bible and science, and the theological implications these various views have for the believer. This course will provide you with a better understanding of the different positions Christians hold regarding creation and will equip you to be able to explain the different issues involved in Genesis 1–2.The activities resource for this course includes additional videos by John Mark N. Reynolds and James B. Jordan, helping you reflect further on the significance of creation

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Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion you should be able to:

  • Summarize the following views of creation: six-day creation, literary framework, analogical days, evolutionary creationism, identity accounts, and creation by faith
  • Discuss the major points of disagreement concerning Genesis 1–2
  • Exposit relevant passages for each of the different perspectives
  • Describe the literary features and structure of Genesis 1–2
  • Explain the hermeneutical importance of interpreting Genesis 1–2 according to its authorial intent and in its original ancient Near Eastern context
  • Articulate the ancient Israelite cosmology and compare and contrast it with the modern view of the world
  • Discuss the relationship between science and Scripture
  • Explain the theological implications of the various approaches to Genesis 1–2

Course Outline


  • Introducing the Speakers and the Course

Unit 1: Six-Day Creation by Joseph A. Pipa Jr.

  • Introducing Joseph A. Pipa Jr.
  • Summary of Six-Day Creation
  • Assessing the Importance
  • Overview of Genesis 1
  • The Work of Creation and the Declaration of Fulfillment
  • The Statement of Purpose and the Expression of Delight
  • The Record of Time
  • Summary and Conclusion to Six-Day Creation

Unit 2: Literary Framework by Mark D. Futato

  • Introducing Mark D. Futato
  • What Do We Expect Genesis 1–2 to Teach Us?
  • Eight Creative Acts in Six Days
  • Dischronologization
  • A Neglected Text
  • Two Pictures of the World
  • The Firmament (Genesis 1:6–7)
  • The Foundations of the Earth
  • Two Big Lights (Genesis 1:16)
  • Phenomenological, Anthropomorphic, and Old World Imagery
  • Conclusion to Literary Framework

Unit 3: Analogical Days by C. John Collins

  • Introducing C. John Collins
  • Summary of Analogical Days View
  • Authorial Intent
  • Reading in Context
  • Genesis 1 and Genesis 2
  • How Did the Author Structure Genesis 1?
  • So What about Those Days?
  • Summary of the Doctrine of Creation in Genesis 1:1–2:3
  • Other Views and Objections to the Analogous Days View

Unit 4: Evolutionary Creationism by Tremper Longman III

  • Introducing Tremper Longman III
  • Summary of Evolutionary Creationism
  • Inerrancy, Genre, and Ancient Cognitive Environment
  • The Structure and Genre of Genesis
  • A Figurative Description of the Past
  • Summary of Theological Truths in Genesis 1–2
  • The Bible and Evolutionary Theory

Unit 5: Identity Accounts by John H. Walton

  • Introducing John H. Walton
  • Summary of Identity Accounts
  • Biblical Authority and Cultural Rivers
  • The Old Testament and the Ancient Near East
  • What Sort of Account?
  • Temple and Rest
  • Seven Days
  • Archetypes
  • Dust and Rib
  • Other Views

Product Details

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Getting the most out of Mobile Ed

Logos Mobile Education is a highly effective cross-platform learning environment that integrates world class teaching with the powerful study tools and theological libraries available in Logos Bible Software. Every course provides links to additional resources and suggested readings that supplement the lecture material at the end of every transcript segment.

This course comes with an Activities resource that functions as a type of “workbook” for the course. This resource includes learning activities such as: places for you to respond to reflection questions, exercises that will challenge and show you how deepen your understanding of this course by using specific Logos tools and resources, tutorial videos on different features of Logos Bible Software, and links to relevant Logos guides and tools. A link to open the Activities resource is conveniently placed at the end of every segment.



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  1. Pastor Mark Stevenson
  2. Terry L Rathman
    There is a major major oversite in this overview. Where is the day-age perspective? There are many scholars in this camp. For instance, people like Lee Stroble, Norman Geisler, Hugh Ross, Gleason Archer and the list goes on. Who were the organizers of this 'underview'? thanks for allowing this post.
  3. Ron Quiggins

    Ron Quiggins


    Do the tutorials on using Logos in this course require Logos 7?
  4. Wayne Donald Baker
    This course seems to be great, but I cannot afford it at this time. There are some questions that I believe are relevant to the course which I doubt will be discussed. One that will probably come up, is the fact that doing a search to see how the Bible uses Morning, Evening or as in Genesis one Morning and Evening, as well as the ordinals first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth you come up with they are in all other occasions in scriptures, (except one single occasion the word Evening refers to a period of time, excluding that single occasion, they refer to a literal day, for Morning and Evening, ordinals always refer to a literal whatever it is they are referring to. That is referring to a day, it is always a day, week, it is always a literal week, year it is always a year horse, it is always a specific horse. It would seem to restrict one's use, unless you are saying that interpretation of Genesis one is an exclusion of the normal rules hermeneutics. A question you probably have not had posed to you, and I doubt will be in the course, is just what is essential to the idea the earth was created, and life hereon was created? The very bare essentials to the idea. Does this course ignore this initial question? Does this course assume the core to the concept of Creation by God includes some extra stipulations? Are there extra stipulations to Creation, we Christians assume without any thought? My answer is yes there is. First the answer to the core question, what is the essentials for Creation to be a reality? Answer: There must be a Creator. He has to exist at the time of Creation. He must be in the local needed to be the Creator. He must exist outside of that which He creates. Since He must pre-exist that which He Creates, He must exist before it exists, so His existence is independent of and outside of that which He Creates. He must be able to Create the Creation. He must have acted to do so. First addition to Creation, we add, is simple, we assume the Creator is wise, and uses the wisdom to make an intelligent creation. Second assumption we accept, is the Creation was intentional, that is God or the Creator intended to Create the universe, our galaxy, solar system, planet and life. Granting all that, we now assume a couple other things. We assume that Creation in Six days has some meaning. It could be literal, figurative, a framework or whatever. However, the question comes into play, why is there any consideration of six days. You may point out I already answered that in the discussion I put forth about the descriptors connected to Day (yom) at the start. You are correct, but in making the point, you have answered the why I ask the question. This question has nothing to do with the bare essentials of Creation or chance. It has to do with rather we can trust the word of The Creator, because the only reason the question arises is He said that is the time frame He created the universe. Now we are quibbling what he meant in making the claim. I say we need to see why He even said He created the universe in six days. The question also arises why do we have Creation happening six thousand years ago? Te answer is The Scriptures give us several genealogies which when stitched together seems to add up to four thousand years, but end at the time of Christ. Adding the the thousand years from Christ to now, we get six thousand years. Again this is God's Word. Now the question is to first explain why God made these two issues, if they are not referent of literal reality. If they are, the young earth position is the only acceptable, if they are not, what is the purpose of putting them forth in the first place? To say there is cultural and world view issues being addressed, you need to show how using this framework is better then some other metaphor or linguistic expression. I wonder if there will be an answer to this question. Me, I am just a simple person, worked thirty years as a parking attendant, now as a greeter in a liquidation store.


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