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Products>Christianity Today (1956–2016) (1,000+ issues)

Christianity Today (1956–2016) (1,000+ issues)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $1,639.40
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Christianity Today has been at the forefront of news and analysis from a Christian perspective for over 60 years. In this collection, we’ve gathered together all 60 years of Christianity Today—most of them previously unavailable digitally! Providing essays from leading lights in Evangelicalism, these resources are vital for anyone wanting to study unpublished essays by top scholars and understand the early history of Evangelicalism. These resources are made even more accessible in Logos, allowing you to search through decades of writings quickly and efficiently.

This product will not contain images.

Resource Experts
  • Covers 60 years of news from a Christian perspective
  • Provides articles from top evangelical scholars
  • Contains material that has never been digitized until now
  • G.C. Berkouwer
  • Billy Graham
  • Carl F.H. Henry
  • F.F. Bruce
  • George Eldon Ladd
  • D. Martyn Lloyd Jones
  • Leon Morris
  • J.I. Packer
  • Roy B. Zuck
  • Bruce Metzger
  • James Montgomery Boice
  • John Piper
  • R.C. Sproul
  • John Stott
  • Haddon Robinson
  • Tim Keller
  • N.T. Wright
  • Title: Christianity Today (1956–2016) (1,000+ issues)
  • Author: Christianity Today International
  • Publisher: Christianity Today
  • Print Publication Date: 1956–2016
  • Resources: 60
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Resource ID: {BB56E77D-96CB-4ABE-A49C-B8A8EE7A2330}
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2018-10-25T00:17:40Z

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5 ratings

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  1. Aaron Carlberg
    The articles are wonderful...but...each year is its own "book" so to speak. It would be easier if they had a way to search for specific things in all the issues at once (like you can in other resources). It would be great to sort by topic, reference, or anything that is helpful in particular study. Having each year stand on its own and not as ONE resource (where all years are inside that ONE resource) makes having this almost useless to me.
  2. Paul Shughart

    Paul Shughart


  3. Alan Wilkerson
  4. George Boucher

    George Boucher


  5. Gerrie Brits

    Gerrie Brits


    New to Logos 7: Christianity Today My Logos Messages We recently added a year of Christianity Today to your library. This magazine is one of the most well-respected evangelical publications, and we hope that you use it to enhance your Bible study. If you find it to be a valuable addition to your Logos library, you can pre-order the entire CT archive for less than 10 cents an issue. What’s more, you’ll receive a free year of CT with a successful pre-order. Start reading | Pre-order now The problem is that I can't read it as Logos 7 tells me I don't have a license to do so. How do I then decide if it is worthwhile buying or not?
  6. Gerald Boon

    Gerald Boon


    what is the difference in 'pre-order' and 'quick buy' ?
  7. David R. Bess

    David R. Bess


    I'm disappointed there are no images. They really add to the articles.
  8. Rosie Perera

    Rosie Perera


    Why no images? This does not seem to be completely true anyway, because I already have volumes 50-59 (2006-2015) and there are scattered images in these issues (though thankfully no ads). Will that be the same for the earlier years?
  9. Kevin Rusche

    Kevin Rusche


    Wow - what an asset this would be! Is there an outlook of when (if ever) images would be added - pics worth 1000 words :-)
  10. Jim Simonsen

    Jim Simonsen


    I am curious as to why no images included? It would seem they could be an important part of the articles.


Collection value: $1,639.40
Save $839.41 (51%)
Starting at $55.98/mo at checkout