Chapter 1
• Is it possible that there exists a master blueprint that lies behind the events of the modern world?
• Is it possible that this blueprint originated in ancient times and yet reveals the events of the twenty-first century?
• Could this blueprint foretell the rise and fall of modern leaders and governments?
• Could events that took place nearly three thousand years ago now be determining the course of our world and with it the course of our lives?
• Could this mystery reveal not only the events of the modern world but the timing of those events—revealing the year when an event is to take place and in some cases pinpointing the exact date—and in at least one case even the exact hour?
• Could a template of the ancient Middle East even foretell the outcome of a presidential election?
• Could the ancient figures within the paradigm hold the keys and mysteries behind the rulers and leaders of modern times, with each modern figure having an ancient prototype and each ancient figure having a modern antitype?
• Could it give the exact parameters of time that modern world leaders are allotted to remain on the national and world stage?
• Is it possible that we are all part of the replaying of the mystery?
• And what would happen if we were able to uncover the paradigm and open up the master blueprint?
• What would it reveal to us, or warn us of, concerning our future?
This book will be the uncovering and opening up of the ancient blue- print, the mystery that came into being ages before the people it concerns were born and millennia before the events it reveals took place. mplate is objective and fixed. It has no animus against anyone with whom it corresponds or involves. Nor have I. If the paradigm concerned different peoples or powers, I still would have written it. It is above all the unveiling of a mystery that has operated behind and affected our lives and times. Any connection to any figure or event of the modern world will be a matter of letting the chips of the ancient mystery fall where they may. Because of its explosive nature I was tempted to hold back from writing it. But because of its critical nature I could not hold back. For contained in the mystery is not only a revelation but a critical warning.
The paradigm touches not only those in power but every life on this planet and every realm of life—from politics to spirituality, economics, history, law, religion, culture, international relations, morality, even the course of nations. Though it has touched or determined the realm of politics, that fact is incidental to its ultimate concern, which is not political but something much larger. It is the revelation of where we have been and where we are and a warning as to where we are heading.
We must first identify and then open up the paradigm. To do that, we will begin a journey of nearly three thousand years, from the sands of an arid Middle Eastern landscape to the soil and streets of present-day America, from ancient palaces to the White House. We will see ruthless kings and queens, mysterious priests and priestesses, secrets and scandals, idols and gods, prophets and holy men, signs, portents, wonders, and harbingers.
In the end we will see two mysteries interweave and coalesce, that of The Paradigm with that of The Harbinger. For The Paradigm is the other dimension and realm of The Harbinger. They each arise from the same ground. Each was forged in the matrix of the same civilization. If The Harbinger opened up prophetic revelations and warnings in the forms of objects and actions, in The Paradigm people themselves become prophetic revelations— leaders on the modern world stage become the harbingers.
We will see ancient monarchs and modern presidents merging together, the reigns and actions of ancient kings governing the reigns and actions of modern leaders, ancient scandals lying behind modern scandals, and the events of ancient times determining the course, the direction, and the timing of the events of the modern world.
And in all this we will see our days in a new light and from an eternal vantage point.
With each of the paradigm’s mysteries, the revealing will take place in three parts:
• The opening up of the ancient events
• The paradigm itself
• The manifestation of the paradigm in the modern world
The paradigm itself will be distinguished by the fact that it will appear in indented form in a box.
In order to open up the mystery, we must first lay the foundation. To uncover the blueprint, we must go back to ancient times and to the land of the paradigm.
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The Master Blueprint
actions, in The Paradigm people themselves become prophetic revelations— leaders on the modern
world stage become the harbingers.
We will see ancient monarchs and modern presidents merging together, the reigns and actions of
ancient kings governing the reigns and actions of modern leaders, ancient scandals lying
behind modern scandals, and the events of ancient times determining the course, the direction,
and the timing of the events of the modern world.
And in all this we will see our days in a new light and from an eternal vantage point.
With each of the paradigm’s mysteries, the revealing will take place in three parts:
• The opening up of the ancient events
• The paradigm itself
• The manifestation of the paradigm in the modern world
The paradigm itself will be distinguished by the fact that it will appear in indented form in a
In order to open up the mystery, we must first lay the foundation. To uncover the blueprint, we
must go back to ancient times and to the land of the paradigm.