Digital Logos Edition
In this collection, apologist, author, theologian, and philosopher Paul Copan provides seven volumes to equip Christians to be ready “to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15). Addressing tough questions and common misconceptions about faith and Christianity, Copan presents ways to clearly and intelligently approach nonbelieving skeptics on various issues, including the creatio ex nihilo doctrine, Old Testament ethics, and God’s portrayal in Scripture. Copan approaches faith-challenging topics from a biblical standpoint, providing wise, relevant insight to help clarify and cement the validity of the Christian faith.
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Creation out of Nothing provides a full-fledged exploration of the creatio ex nihilo (creation out of nothing) doctrine that focuses on biblical, theological, extrabiblical, philosophical, and scientific support for the doctrine.
The volume begins with a statement about the significance of creatio ex nihilo that clearly defines what is meant (and what is not meant) by the concept. The doctrine is discussed within the context of the Old and New Testaments and extrabiblical material. The volume includes discussions of the philosophical issues of creation versus conservation and the finite versus infinite past before addressing the scientific confirmation of creatio ex nihilo.
Few classical Christian doctrines have been subjected to as much criticism in the past two hundred years as the claim that God created the world ‘out of nothing.’ In this brilliant book, Copan and Craig rehabilitate the doctrine. With wide learning—the authors pass skillfully among biblical, philosophical, theological, and scientific issues—and carefully constructed arguments, the authors clearly show that creation out of nothing can be defended against its critics. They also compellingly show why the doctrine is essential to believing Christians. I recommend this badly needed book with great enthusiasm.
—Stephen T. Davis, Russell K. Pitzer Professor of Philosophy, Claremont McKenna College
An excellent account of why [creatio ex nihilo] matters.
—Books & Culture
Takes a look at the various approaches on [the question of ex nihilo creation] and comes away with a clear word on the matter. . . . Copan and Craig dive into one of the tough questions facing anyone trying to make sense of the world. . . . While this particular question may not arise in every conversation, this book will help with a well reasoned response when someone wonders ‘how did it all begin.’
—Creation Research Society
A well-arranged tour de force on creatio ex nihilo, the classical Christian doctrine of creation out of nothing. Resurrecting what theologians had neglected, Copan and Craig present the biblical, philosophical, and scientific support that underpin this doctrine.
—Science & Theology News
In Creation out of Nothing, Paul Copan and William Lane Craig have written an outstanding guide to this doctrine that belongs in the personal library of anyone who cares about the foundations of his or her faith. Replying to those who have argued that creation ex nihilo is not biblical and that the idea was imported late into Christian theology, Copan and Craig make a compelling case that the Bible teaches unmistakably that only God himself is eternal (eternality is an essential aspect of his nature) and all else that exists depends on God for its origin and being. . . . This book is well-written, but while the prose is lucid, the issues raised are profoundly difficult. Don’t expect to be able to read it while watching an NFL game, but do expect to be amply rewarded with a much better grasp of a foundational Christian doctrine.
—Christian Research Journal
William Lane Craig is a research professor of philosophy at Talbot School of Theology and the author or editor of over 30 books, including Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview.
If you’ve recently tried to tell your friends about Jesus, this is surely a familiar phrase. Besides being familiar, such challenges from today’s unbelievers are also frustrating. In fact, they can sometimes leave you speechless. So how do you respond?
Expert Christian apologist Paul Copan calls these objections “anti-truth claims.” And he knows they’re relevant—he’s faced them over and over in his apologetics ministry on university campuses and in coffee shops across the country. In How Do You Know You’re Not Wrong? he presents a collection of objections regarding reality, worldviews, and Christianity and thoroughly addresses each from a biblical standpoint. If you’ve ever been left lost for words when discussing matters of faith, this insightful book will give you the tools you need to confidently, lovingly, and effectively respond to colleagues, acquaintances, and friends.
Paul Copan has an amazing gift. He is able to take complex philosophical issues and make them accessible to ordinary folks without compromising accuracy or integrity. Professor Copan takes on some of the strongest challenges to Christian faith and responds to them with clarity, generosity, and laser-like logic.
—Francis J. Beckwith, associate professor of Church-State Studies, Baylor University
Nonbelievers frequently challenge Christians with questions like, ‘How do you know that what you believe is true?,’ ‘Doesn’t science disprove faith?,’ ‘How could God make the strange commands that we find in the Old Testament?,’ ‘How can God punish me for sins committed by Adam?,’ and ‘Didn’t early Christian leaders arbitrarily exclude from the Bible texts about Jesus that they didn’t like?’ On these and other important issues, Paul Copan gives clear and illuminating answers. Despite the depth and power of his arguments, this lively and helpful book will be understandable to intelligent laypersons. I enthusiastically recommend it.
—Stephen T. Davis, Russell K. Pitzer Professor of Philosophy, Claremont McKenna College
Copan addresses tough questions about faith and Christianity without sidestepping the reasoning of skeptics or issues of objectivity, truth, and reality. Appropriate for inquisitive students, skeptics, seminarians, and clergy, this is recommended for academic and large public libraries.
—Library Journal
With solid reasons why you are not wrong to believe and what makes Christianity logical, this book will give you the confidence to deal with a world in which Christians are resident aliens.
—Huntress Reviews
Many today—even within the church—seem to think so. How are Christians to respond to such accusations? And how are we to reconcile the seemingly disconnected natures of God portrayed in the two testaments?
In this timely and readable book, apologist Paul Copan takes on some of the most vexing accusations of our time, including:
Copan not only answers the critics, he also shows how to read both the Old and New Testaments faithfully, seeing an unchanging, righteous, and loving God in both.
This is the book I wish I had written myself. It is simply the best book I have read that tackles the many difficulties that the Old Testament presents to thinking and sensitive Christians. Paul Copan writes in such a simple, straightforward way, yet covers enormous issues comprehensively and with reassuring biblical detail and scholarly research.
—Christopher J. H. Wright, director, Langham Partnership International
The New Atheists have attacked the morality of the Old Testament with a vengeance. In honesty, many Christians will confess that they struggle with what looks like a primitive and barbaric ethic. Paul Copan helps us truly understand the world of the Old Testament and how it relates to us today. I recommend this book for all who want to make sense of the Old Testament.
—Tremper Longman III, Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies, Westmont College
Lucid, lively, and very well informed, this book is the best defense of Old Testament ethics that I have read. A must-read for all preachers and Bible study leaders.
—Gordon Wenham, tutor in Old Testament, Trinity College, Bristol
Paul Copan is the nation’s leading apologist regarding problems with the biblical text, and Is God a Moral Monster? is vintage Copan. He takes on current New Atheist biblical critics and powerfully addresses virtually every criticism they have raised. I know of no other book like this one, and it should be required reading in college and seminary courses on biblical introduction.
—J.P. Moreland, distinguished professor of philosophy, Talbot School of Theology
Most Christians today, myself included, are in dialogue with people we love who have been heavily swayed by the criticisms of Richard Dawkins, et al., against the morality of the Bible and its depiction of a horrific Yahweh God. What struck me in reading Is God a Moral Monster? is the degree to which we as Christians need to rethink in radical ways our reading and understanding of the sacred text if we are to have any persuasive reasoning in this ongoing exchange. Sometimes the real monster lies not so much in criticisms from ‘without’ as in our own holding to certain incorrect paradigms of thinking about the Bible. Aside from the apologetic importance of Professor Copan’s work, of far greater value for Christians is the way in which his book forces us to reevaluate the very nature of the God we worship. Read this book. It will awaken your vision of God in wonderful ways!
—William J. Webb, emeritus professor of New Testament, Heritage Theological Seminary
“It’s all relative.” “Everything is one with the divine.” “Why would a good God send people to hell?” “The Gospels contradict each other.”
In our relativistic society, Christians more than ever before are bombarded by skeptical comments such as these. You hear them on college campuses, in the workplace, and from your neighbors and friends.
That’s Just Your Interpretation provides incisive answers to challenges related to truth and reality, worldviews, and Christian doctrine. Similar to his well-received “True for You, but Not for Me,” this book by Paul Copan will help you defend your faith, even when you’re confronted with the toughest questions. You’ll be able to respond with intelligent, powerful answers that direct people toward a personal relationship with God.
Beneath the clichés of our culture lie some unsettling questions about God. Paul Copan, with genius and simplicity, uncovers the struggle and constructs his answers on a firm foundation.
—Ravi Zacharias, author and speaker
The book is accessible to non-specialists, yet Copan clearly brings to each subject careful research and scholarly reflection.
—J.P. Moreland, distinguished professor of philosophy, Talbot School of Theology
Paul Copan manifests the conceptual skills of a fine philosopher and theologian as well as the heart of a sincere Christian. This combination is potent indeed, illuminating a wide range of pressing issues about the Christian faith.
—Paul Moser, professor and chair of the department of philosophy, Loyola University Chicago
Paul Copan writes with clarity, force, and insight about the credibility of Christianity.
—Charles Taliaferro, professor of philosophy, St. Olaf College
The world is intolerant of Christian beliefs. You’ve probably heard many of the anti-Christian comebacks and conversation-enders that refute the relevance and validity of Christianity, including:
These comments don’t have to be conversation stoppers. Paul Copan offers you clear, concise, and thoughtful answers to these critical remarks in this revised and expanded edition of “True for You, But Not for Me.” He shows you how with “patience, practice, prayer, and God’s grace,” you can gently respond in ways that move into more meaningful conversations with those who object to your faith.
Incisive and insightful responses to many of the most common misconceptions about Christianity and faith.
—Lee Strobel, author of The Case for Christ
Copan’s careful exploration of the rational foundations of such slogans will be of great practical help to anyone who finds himself confronted with these challenges to the Christian faith.
—William Lane Craig, research professor of philosophy, Talbot School of Theology
This book should be required reading in Christian high schools and colleges. And laypeople and parachurch ministries will profit greatly from its content.
—J.P. Moreland, distinguished professor of philosophy, Talbot School of Theology
What do you say when someone raises tough objections to the Christian worldview, like
In When God Goes to Starbucks, renowned apologetics expert Paul Copan tackles these and other vexing questions. He offers wise and relevant answers that will not only help you clarify your own beliefs but empower you to articulate those beliefs to others.
If you want sound apologetics made relevant—here it is! Copan provides clear, orthodox, practical, accessible, and necessary answers to questions that stymie seekers and galvanize skeptics against historic Christianity.
—Hank Hanegraaff, president, Christian Research Institute
I love this book. Its arguments—careful, logical, and most of all fair-minded—speak eloquently in our sound-bite world.
—David K. Clark, executive vice president and provost, Bethel Seminary
An excellent and comprehensive resource to help Christians contend with controversial questions about their faith. Copan writes eloquently and respectfully on social and moral themes. . . . Though each topic is approached with care, Copan does not flinch from a biblical stance and delineates each problem with exemplary thoroughness. Thoughtful readers will find great value in his approach to unpacking Christian slogans as related to truth and reality, worldviews and religious belief systems. He expertly unmasks the problematic ‘personal autonomy’ philosophy that makes ‘sweeping relativistic claims, but then tacks on absolute, inviolable standards at the end.’ Copan’s skillful approach to apologetics provides ample information on hot-topic themes.
—Publishers Weekly
Copan does an excellent job. . . . His training in philosophy is evident, as he understands the issues well, and presents cogent and reasoned positions. Highly recommended for Christians who want to engage friends and neighbors in a winsome and respectful manner.
—CBA Retailers + Resources
More than ever, tough questions from friends and neighbors naturally arise in relaxed conversations. . . . Copan offers readers solid and caring responses to these concerns. Each chapter provides a biblical stance with exemplary thoroughness and points for countering the questions people ask believers today. He expertly unmasks the problematic personal autonomy philosophy that makes sweeping relativistic claims, but then tacks on absolute, inviolable standards at the end. Copan’s skillful approach to apologetics provides ample information on hot-topic themes.
—Enrichment Journal
Would a good, kind, and loving deity ever command the wholesale slaughter of nations? We often avoid reading difficult Old Testament passages that make us squeamish and quickly jump to the enemy–loving, forgiving Jesus of the New Testament. And yet, the question remains.
In the tradition of his popular Is God a Moral Monster?, Paul Copan teams up with Matthew Flannagan to tackle some of the most confusing and uncomfortable passages of Scripture. Together they help the Christian and nonbeliever alike understand the biblical, theological, philosophical, and ethical implications of Old Testament warfare passages.
Divine violence in the Bible is a theme that has aroused the ire of atheists and the discomfort and confusion of many Christians. Copan and Flannagan address the arguments of the atheists who use these texts to undermine belief and confidence in God. Not only are they adept at biblical interpretation and philosophy as they effectively counter this challenge, but they also write in a deeply compelling way that will appeal to both students and laypeople.
—Tremper Longman III, Robert H. Gundry professor of biblical studies, Westmont College
In their wide–ranging book, Copan and Flannagan go beyond standard treatments of Old Testament warfare; they incorporate biblical, theological, philosophical, ethical, legal, and historical perspectives on a much–debated but often misunderstood topic.
—William Lane Craig, research professor of philosophy, Talbot School of Theology
This brave, hard–nosed, and wide–ranging study constitutes a serious attempt at facing all the varied aspects of a question that troubles so many people. Well done!
—John Goldingay, David Allan Hubbard professor of Old Testament, Fuller Theological Seminar
Paul Copan (Ph.D., Marquette University)is the Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics at Palm Beach Atlantic University in Florida. Previously, he taught at Georgia Perimeter College, Bethel Seminary, Alliance Theological Seminary, and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is the author of several apologetics books and the president of the Evangelical Philosophical Society.