Digital Logos Edition
Bible scholars Andreas Köstenberger and Richard Patterson present the “hermeneutical triad” method—an interpretive approach to the Bible that gives due consideration to the historical setting, literary context, and theological message of a given passage. Working through the major genres of Scripture and showing how their method applies to each one, Köstenberger and Patterson provide interpretive examples to guide the student in proper exegesis.
For more from this series, see here.
“There are three primary themes that form the focal points of the Old Testament: God’s law, the exodus, and covenant. These three major concepts embody the principles of righteousness (law), redemption (exodus), and the believer’s relationship to God (covenant).” (Page 162)
“Another quality that is essential for the biblical interpreter is to listen carefully to the Word and to study it perceptively.” (Page 63)
“Narrative is a literary genre that builds its sentences and paragraphs around discourses, episodes, or scenes.” (Page 238)
“It is crucial for the interpreter to grasp the basic distinction between the suzerainty (conditional) and royal grant (unconditional) types of covenants.” (Page 179)
“the most recurring feature of Hebrew poetry is repetition.” (Page 266)
The great merit of Köstenberger’s and Patterson’s volume is its threedimension account of biblical interpretation. The authors rightly focus on the history, literature, and theology of the Bible—what they call the hermeneutical triad. Call it hermeneutics in real 3-D. A three-stranded hermeneutical cord may not be easily broken, but it’s easy to grasp by following this introductory textbook. Another merit is the authors’ reminder that biblical interpretation is not only about method but about virtue: a heart-felt humility before the divine text is as important as any heady procedure.
—Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Blanchard Professor of Theology, Wheaton College Graduate School
Andreas Köstenberger and Richard Patterson, two brilliant and experienced interpreters of Holy Scripture, have produced a first-rate volume on biblical hermeneutics. Distinctive in its approach, with a focus on the “hermeneutical triad,” this monumental publication is encyclopedic in its thoroughness, masterful in its organizational design, and skillful in its pedagogical emphasis. The clear discussions in each chapter, followed by helpful and informative bibliographies, will make this book a rich resource for students, scholars, and pastors for years to come. I am truly excited about the publication of Invitation to Biblical Interpretation.
—David S. Dockery, President, Professor of Christian Thought & Tradition, Union University
Andreas Köstenberger is professor of New Testament and director of PhD and ThM studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author or coauthor of several books, including A Theology of John’s Gospel and Letters, Encountering John: The Gospel in Historical, Literary, and Theological Perspective, and John in the Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (BECNT) (16 vols.).
Richard D. Patterson was chairman of the department of biblical studies and professor of Semitic languages and literature at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. He contributed to the Expositor’s Bible Commentary and has written articles for Grace Theological Journal, the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, and other scholarly journals.
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Millie Martinez