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Fresh Eyes on Famous Bible Sayings: Discovering New Insights in Familiar Passages

ISBN: 9781434712165


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What does it mean to “put on the full armor of God”? What does knowing “the kingdom of God is within you” have to do with relationships? How does Jesus’ use of the “Golden Rule” differ from versions of the rule found in other religions?
Pastor Doug Newton answers these questions and more using Scripture-reading techniques readers can then use on their own to discover life-changing truths from the Scripture passages they know the most.
About the Fresh Eyes Series......19
1. What Makes the Old Cross So Rugged?
Take Up Your Cross......29
2. Would Having
Do unto Others......43
3. Stop Trying to Be Like Jesus
Fruit of the Spirit......59
4. The Importance of Well-Built Septic Tanks
5. Emanations of God
The Kingdom Is Within......87
6. The Burden of Busyness
Come, All Who Are Weary......103
7. Good Impressions
My Ways Are Not Yours......117
8. The Greater Commission
Go and Make Disciples......131
9. A Big “If”
Faith as a Mustard Seed......145
10. Good News for Eunuchs
House of Prayer or Den of Robbers?......161
11. The Flannelgraph Soldier
The Armor of God......175
“I heard Doug speak over a decade ago on the feeding of the five thousand, and I still remember what he said. He brought the familiar story to life in a way that made me see it all unfold. I remember thinking, What would I have done if I’d been there that day with Jesus? That’s why Doug’s writing is so valuable. God recorded these events in His Word and Doug takes readers to those moments in history and makes them relatable and best of all, memorable.”
“On a visit to Japan, our translator asked an artist working in gold leaf how it felt to be surrounded by such expensive materials. The artist replied, ‘I’ve been working with gold so long, I’ve forgotten it’s value.’ I know I’ve felt that exact way when it comes to reading the Word of God.  I’ve been working/reading/studying it for so long, I’m ashamed to say that sometimes, even though I love God’s Word, I’ve forgotten it’s value. That’s why I’m so grateful for Fresh Eyes. Doug has taken the familiar stories of Scripture, and given us new ideas to ponder, angles to look from, and context to understand. A reminder of the richness and value that surrounds us every day.”
“The Fresh Eyes series is nothing less than amazing—the most profound, to the point, original, awe-inspiring, and challenging writings about Jesus and the Bible I have ever read or imagined! I was immediately stunned by how the subject matter is exactly what I’ve always been looking for in Scripture! I hope there will be millions of Christians like me who learn to see Scripture with fresh eyes.”
“These books are a hit. Doug has found a profound and compelling way to have the reader (ordinary people like you and me) have the eyes of our hearts enlightened. I have read the entire Bible, front to back, for the past fourteen years. In these books, I have gained new insight into
Bible sayings, Jesus’ miracles, and Jesus’ parables. I gained fresh insight into what God is saying to me. In my 162 MLB game schedule, each day brings new excitement. Doug’s writing and dissecting of verses make each verse exciting as I grew deeper in my relationship with our Lord.”

Product Details

  • Title : Fresh Eyes on Famous Bible Sayings: Discovering New Insights in Familiar Passages
  • Author: Newton, Doug
  • Publisher: David C Cook
  • Publication Date: 2018
  • ISBN: 9781434712165
Doug Newton is the cofounder and director of the National Prayer Ministry of the Free Methodist Church-USA. The author of nine books, he served for thirty years as a senior pastor and for fifteen years as editor of Light & Life magazine. Newton and his wife, Margie, live in Greenville, Illinois.


4 ratings

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  1. Chetan Paul

    Chetan Paul


  2. Soomin Song

    Soomin Song


  3. Sandro



    Some good inputs and alternative views, but sometimes very fishy exegeticaly. Ex. Armor of God, the alternative view, is highly based on one Word, which is not even present in the Greek text. More exegetic work should have been done.
  4. Jose Aguilar

    Jose Aguilar



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