Digital Logos Edition
These commentaries provide preachers and teachers the tools they need to craft sermons and lessons based on sound exegesis. This collection brings together works on the books of Exodus, 1 and 2 Chronicles, and Psalms by top Old Testament scholars. Build your sermons with suggested homiletical outlines. Discover in-depth treatments of Old Testament motifs. Tackle the most difficult exegetical challenges in the book of Psalms. This collection equips you to understand and teach passages from Exodus, Chronicles, and Psalms with confidence and clarity.
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The true fountainhead of Old Testament theology, Exodus illuminates the significance of the name Yahweh and introduces the title I AM. It tells of Israel’s formative historical event, the exodus, as well as the making of the covenant at Sinai. It includes the first code of the Law in the Decalogue and Book of the Covenant. It details Israel’s besetting sin in the idolatry of the golden calf episode, but it also describes Moses’s intercession and the great revelation of God’s mercy. In its display of the Tent of Meeting, it presents the theology of the priesthood, the sacrifices, and the central sanctuary. A Commentary on Exodus explores all of these events with a view toward their significance both for the meaning of the Old Testament and for the message of the Christian church. Exegetically deep enough to satisfy the scholar and logically organized to meet the needs of the pastor, Garrett’s commentary promises to become standard reference material in Exodus studies.
Every verse is given a fresh translation with copious explanatory notes, and particular attention is given to the poetry of Exodus, which the author demonstrates to be more abundant than previously believed.
The commentary also helps to dispel much confusion about Exodus by introducing the reader to Egyptian history and by carefully analyzing questions about the date of the exodus and the location of Mount Sinai.
Duane A. Garret (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is professor of Old Testament at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has previously taught at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Bethel Sminary and served as pastor and missionary in a variety of contexts. Garret has also written A Modern Grammar for Biblical Hebrew, Authority and Interpretation, and Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs for the Zondervan Illustrated Biblical Backgrounds Commentary (vol. 5).
The trauma of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, the exile of thousands of Judea’s citizens, and the subsequent return after 70 years to the homeland with the difficult task of starting the new covenant community virtually from scratch—all contributed to a reassessment of Israel’s meaning and destiny. The chronicler-theologian thus composed his work not just as a history of his people from their ancient beginnings but as an interpreted history, one designed to offer hope to the beleaguered community as well as to issue warnings that should they fall back into the ways of their fathers they could expect the judgment of God to be repeated.
Eugene Merrill’s work on 1 and 2 Chronicles promises to be a significant contribution to the academic dialogue on these important books. This volume is helpful for the scholar but accessible and useful for the pastor. Merrill provides an exegetical study of each passage in these books, examining a number of themes, especially drawing out three principal theological subjects: (1) David and his historical and eschatological reign; (2) the renewal of the everlasting covenant; and (3) the new temple as a symbol of a reconstituted people. Merrill offers astute guidance to preachers and teachers in his insightful doctrinal commentary on the text.
Eugene H. Merrill is distinguished professor emeritus of Old Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas. His other publications include Kingdom of Priests.
For thousands of years, the book of Psalms has been one of God’s people’s richest resources for worship and the spiritual life. It’s also one of the most complex and challenging sections of the Bible for expositors. Pastors, teachers, and all serious students of the Bible will find this commentary invaluable for developing their understanding of the Psalms and for improving their ability to expound it with precision and depth. Allen P. Ross guides the reader through a detailed exegesis, proposes a homiletical outline, and offers a summary expository idea of the message of each psalm.
This commentary addresses the three primary challenges to understanding the Psalms:
Allen P. Ross is the author of Introducing Biblical Hebrew, Holiness to the Lord: A Guide to the Exposition of the Book of Leviticus, and Creation and Blessing. He has taught at Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry and Dallas Theological Seminary. He currently serves as professor of divinity at Beeson Divinity School.
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