Digital Logos Edition
Terrorism. Same-Sex marriage. Debt cancellation. The AIDS pandemic. These are just some of the critical contemporary issues addressed in this book. Issues Facing Christians Today helps thinking Christians sift through and respond to a sweeping array of complex and pressing topics. Thoroughly revised and updated by Roy McCloughry and fully endorsed by John Stott, this fourth edition continues a two-decades-plus legacy of bringing important current issues under the lens of biblically informed thinking. Combining a keen global awareness with a gift for penetrating analysis, the authors examine such vital topics as pluralism and Christian witness, cohabitation, environmentalism and ecological stewardship, war and peace, abortion and euthanasia . . . and much more. An entirely new chapter on bio-engineering has been contributed by professor John Wyatt of University College London. Including a study guide, Issues Facing Christians Today is essential reading for Christians who wish to engage our culture with insight, passion, and faith, knowing that the gospel is as relevant and deeply needed today as at any time in history. As the culture wars continue, this book will remain a critical contribution, helping to define Christian social and ethical thinking in the years ahead.
“The reason for the biblical prohibitions is the same reason why modern loving homosexual partnerships must also be condemned, namely that they are incompatible with God’s created order. And since that order (heterosexual monogamy) was established by creation, not culture, its validity is both permanent and universal. There can be no ‘liberation’ from God’s created norms; true liberation is found only in accepting them.” (Pages 459–460)
“True gay liberation (like all authentic liberation) is not freedom from God’s revealed purpose in order to construct our own morality; it is rather freedom from our self-willed rebellion in order to love and obey him.” (Page 469)
“Quality of love is not the only yardstick by which to measure what is good or right.” (Page 467)
“since human beings may not claim as a ‘right’ what God has not given them.” (Page 469)
“Politics is the art of living together in a community” (Page 34)
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