Digital Logos Edition
For seminary students, the goal of studying Greek grammar is the accurate exegesis of biblical texts. Sound exegesis requires that the exegete consider grammar within a larger framework that includes context, lexeme, and other linguistic features.
While the trend of some grammarians has been to take a purely grammatical approach to the language, Greek Grammar beyond the Basics integrates the technical requirements for proper Greek interpretation with the actual interests and needs of Bible students. It’s the first textbook to systematically link syntax and exegesis of the New Testament for second-year Greek students. It explores numerous syntactical categories, some of which have not previously been dealt with in print.
Greek Grammar beyond the Basics is the most up-to-date Greek grammar available. It equips intermediate Greek students with the skills they need to do exegesis of biblical texts in a way that’s faithful to their intended meaning. The expanded edition contains a subject index, a Greek word index, and page numbers in the Syntax Summary section.
In Logos, you can get more out of your Greek studies. Take Greek Grammar beyond the Basics with you in your laptop, tablet, or phone—as you take notes, it syncs into our cloud, so you can access them anywhere. Words can be referenced in any number of dictionaries or encyclopedias in your library, allowing you to instantly get a bigger scope of word meaning and usage.
“Fourth, the telic participle almost always follows the controlling verb.” (Page 636)
“You should normally translate the attributive participle as though it were a relative clause” (Pages 617–618)
“if the answer is no, it may be adjectival or any other kind of participle (such as adverbial)” (Page 617)
“The instrumental idea involves means and generally answers the question, ‘How?’ The locative notion involves place and answers the question, ‘Where?’ Thus, a broad view of the dative case (including pure dative, locative, and instrumental uses) suggests that it answers one of three questions: To/for whom? How? or Where?” (Page 139)
“The general principle for distinguishing S from PN is that the S is the known entity.” (Page 42)
A first-rate work! Wallace has devoted much time and thought to grammatical analysis of the Greek New Testament. Set forth with clarity, this volume will remain a reference tool that student and scholar alike can consult with profit.
—Bruce M. Metzger, professor of New Testament emeritus, Princeton Theological Seminary
Dr. Wallace, an exact scholar with an unrivaled command of the literature in his field, is also a humane teacher, catering to the student’s needs by his beautiful clarity and precision, topical illustrations, and witty asides. This book’s length and wealth of detail are offset by its simple structure, clear tables, and lucid summaries. It deserves acclaim from the learned as well as the student.
—C. F. D. Moule, Lady Margaret Professor Emeritus of Divinity, University of Cambridge, England
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