Digital Logos Edition
This is a guide to historic Christian beliefs. As Packer says, "This book sets out in short compass what seems to me to be the permanent essentials of Christianity, viewed as both a belief system and a way of life. … As I often tell my students, theology is for doxology and devotion—that is, the praise of God and the practice of godliness. It should therefore be presented in a way that brings the awareness of the divine presence. Theology is at its healthiest when it is consciously under the eye of God of whom it speaks, and when it is singing His glory."
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“Christianity is the true worship and service of the true God, humankind’s Creator and Redeemer. It is a religion that rests on revelation: nobody would know the truth about God, or be able to relate to him in a personal way, had not God first acted to make himself known. But God has so acted, and the sixty-six books of the Bible, thirty-nine written before Christ came and twenty-seven after, are together the record, interpretation, expression, and embodiment of his self-disclosure. God and godliness are the Bible’s uniting themes.” (Page 3)
“As I often tell my students, theology is for doxology and devotion—that is, the praise of God and the practice of godliness. It should therefore be presented in a way that brings awareness of the divine presence. Theology is at its healthiest when it is consciously under the eye of the God of whom it speaks, and when it is singing to his glory.” (Page xii)
“The assertion of original sin makes the point that we are not sinners because we sin, but rather we sin because we are sinners, born with a nature enslaved to sin.” (Page 83)
“General revelation is so called because everyone receives it, just by virtue of being alive in God’s world.” (Page 9)
“It is certain that Scripture nowhere contradicts Scripture; rather, one passage explains another. This sound principle of interpreting Scripture by Scripture is sometimes called the analogy of Scripture or the analogy of faith.” (Page 7)
23 ratings
Ken Allred
Charles C.G. Miller
Rick Rhodes
Philip H North
Dan and Jyothy Thomas
Tim Bastress
JT Workman