Digital Logos Edition
Still in keeping with his promise to deliver easy to understand, practical study guides in his Expository Thoughts series, J.C. Ryle has included extensive notes with this volume on Luke for those wanting to dig deeper into some of the more difficult passages. Luke 1–10 are covered in volume one.
“ how bitterly human nature dislikes the doctrine of the sovereignty of God.” (Page 121)
“What can deliver us from that ‘fear of death’ to which so many are in bondage? What can take the sting of death away?—There is but one answer to such questions. Nothing but strong faith can do it. Faith laying firm hold on an unseen Saviour,—faith resting on the promises of an unseen God,—faith, and faith only, can enable a man to look death in the face, and say, ‘I depart in peace.’” (Page 67)
“ prayers are not necessarily rejected because the answer is long delayed.” (Page 12)
“Let us mark, in the third place, the mighty principle which the angel Gabriel lays down to silence all objections about the incarnation. ‘With God nothing shall be impossible.’” (Page 28)
“We see, secondly, in these verses, what fears and anxiety may assault the hearts of true disciples of Christ.” (Page 262)
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Matt DeVore
Paul Shaffer
Reid A Ferguson