Digital Logos Edition
The Eerdmans Biblical Studies collection offers 26 volumes designed to enhance your biblical and theological studies. This collection supports Bible study in both breadth and depth and equips you to engage the major themes and questions perplexing biblical scholars today. Study the Bible in its entirety—survey the content of all the biblical books, explore connecting themes, investigate the cultural contexts, learn about each and every person mentioned in the Bible, and understand how the Bible was written. Go deeper with topical studies, examine key texts, and delve into important contemporary questions, and apply biblical teachings to the modern world.
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This thought-provoking book by James Brownson develops a broad, cross-cultural sexual ethic from Scripture, locates current debates over homosexuality in that wider context, and explores why the Bible speaks the way it does about same-sex relationships. Fairly presenting both sides in this polarized debate—“traditional” and “revisionist”—Brownson conscientiously analyzes pertinent biblical texts and helpfully identifies “stuck points” in the ongoing debate. In the process, he explores key concepts that inform our understanding of the biblical texts, including patriarchy, complementarianism, purity and impurity, and honor and shame. Central to his argument is the need to uncover the moral logic behind the text.
With gentle wisdom Brownson reveals an implicit moral logic beneath scriptural teachings about sexuality and same-sex relationships. His insights—which are both prophetic and pastoral—build a much-needed bridge across the sexual divide that separates people of shared biblical faith.
—David G. Myers, professor of psychology, Hope College
Jim Brownson has written what I believe is a game-changing book on the hotly disputed topic of same-sex orientation and relationships in light of the Bible. He approaches the biblical texts with no less care and respect than the most conservative or traditional scholars, but he makes overt and clear what many seem unconscious of—the moral logic that operates in a text. By surfacing and grappling with that moral logic, Brownson can explore the why behind the what of biblical prohibitions. In so doing, he provides not only a masterful work on human sexuality in light of Scripture, but also a model for the kind of robust and faithful biblical hermeneutic that our churches desperately need at this point in our history.
—Brian McLaren, pastor, author, activist, and speaker
Fascinating and incredibly helpful. It would be hard to suggest that Brownson is anything other than meticulous, transparent, and authentic in his treatment of the issues and of scripture.
—Englewood Review of Books
James Brownson is James I. and Jean Cook Professor of New Testament at Western Theological Seminary, Holland, Michigan. His other books include Speaking Truth in Love: New Testament Resources for a Missional Hermeneutic
In The Sacredness of Human Life, David Gushee traces the concept of the sanctity of human life from Scripture through church history to the present day, arguing that viewing human life as sacred is one of the most precious legacies of biblical faith. Besides providing a masterful historical survey, Gushee’s discussion covers the many current ethical challenges and perspectives that impact the flourishing of human life, including biotechnology, the death penalty, abortion, human rights, nuclear weapons, just war theory, women’s rights, and creation care.
David Gushee is one of the preeminent Christian ethicists in the country, and his work is important for both those in the academic world and all of us trying to live out obedient and biblical lives. In The Sacredness of Human Life he rescues this most spiritual of concepts from the narrow realm of political rhetoric, which it has come to inhabit in recent years. This book should be read by anyone who desires to reclaim a broader definition of how ‘the sacredness of life’ should truly be understood.
—Jim Wallis, editor-in-chief, Sojourners
No one, to my knowledge, has come up with a deeper or more sustained account of what it means to say that human life is sacred than David Gushee in this magisterial work.
—Jeremy Waldron, professor of law, New York University School of Law
This is the most significant book I have ever seen about what it really means to say that human life is sacred. It combines conservative loyalty to preserving the sacredness of human life with liberal loyalty to caring for the basic needs of life. . . . Gushee’s work can bring the healing we need in our time of dangerous polarization.
—Glen Stassen, Lewis B. Smedes Professor of Christian Ethics and the Executive Director of the Just Peacemaking Initiative, Fuller Theological Seminary
In the face of today’s heated debates over ethical issues, Gushee does a fine job of laying out so-called progressive, conservative, and other Christian perspectives. This book is a valuable resource for all those who want to understand and thoughtfully engage perspectives other than their own.
—John F. Kilner, Franklin Forman Chair of Ethics, Trinity International University
David Gushee is one of the most important theological ethicists writing today, and this book is a landmark for future work in Christian ethics. If you are interested in fundamental moral and theological concepts, or in the character of religious discourse in our public life, or in the future health and sanity of the Christian churches in the USA (and beyond), you owe it to yourself to read this book.
—Charles Mathewes, Carolyn M. Barbour Professor of Religious Studies, University of Virginia
David P. Gushee is distinguished university professor of Christian ethics and director of the Center for Theology and Public Life at Mercer University, Atlanta, Georgia. He is also the author of The Righteous Gentiles of the Holocaust, Kingdom Ethics, and The Future of Faith in American Politics.
To many, the New Testament’s teaching on divorce and remarriage seems both impractical and unfair. The plain meaning of the texts allows for divorce only in cases of adultery or desertion, and forbids remarriage until the death of one’s former spouse. But are these proscriptions the final word for Christians today? Are we correctly reading the scriptures that address these issues?
By looking closely at the biblical texts on divorce and remarriage in light of the first-century Jewish and Greco-Roman world, David Instone-Brewer shows that the original audience of the New Testament heard these teachings differently. Through a careful exploration of the background literature of the Old Testament, the ancient Near East, and especially ancient Judaism, David Instone-Brewer constructs a biblical view of divorce and remarriage that is wider in scope than present-day readings.
David Instone-Brewer is senior research fellow in Rabbinics and the New Testament at Tyndale House, Cambridge, and a member of the divinity faculty at the University of Cambridge and the British Association of Jewish Studies.
Introduction to the Bible provides a survey of the content of all biblical books, section by section, focusing on the Bible’s theological themes. Rather than introducing students to the Bible merely as history, literature, a record of political or ideological history, or a testimony to societies living or dead, authors Robert Kugler and Patrick Hartin stress that the Bible must be read as the text presents itself, as a theological witness to the nature of God and of humanity in relationship with God. Perfect for undergraduates, church study groups, and interested laypeople, Kugler and Hartin’s Introduction to the Bible ably delivers on its title.
Two veteran teachers and distinguished scholars have joined forces to present a solid and up-to-date introduction to both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. They are especially effective in showing how to read the Bible on the literary, historical, and theological levels. Their work is ideal for a college course, personal study, and long-term reference.
—Daniel J. Harrington, professor of New Testament, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry
This fine introductory volume does precisely what it sets out to do: it presents readers with an outline of what to look for as they make their way through the biblical text. The commentary does not overpower the reader with scholarly theories; instead it allows the reader to confront the text as it stands.
—Gary A. Anderson, Hesburgh Professor of Catholic Theology, University of Notre Dame
Can there be anything new under the sun by way of introductions to the Bible? I find this contribution by Robert Kugler and Patrick Hartin well planned and brimming with useful maps, charts, questions, frameworks, and art. It’s clear that these two authors are competent guides for our students, and they make a familiar journey fresh for instructors as well.
—Barbara Green, professor of biblical studies, Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, Graduate Theological Union
This comprehensive, thoroughly informed, and lavishly illustrated volume, produced by the collaboration of two experts—one Protestant, one Catholic—achieves that to which it aspires: it is clarity itself. This is the perfect introduction for undergraduates.
—Dale C. Allison Jr., Richard J. Dearborn Professor of New Testament Studies, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Onto the crowded shelf of introductions to the Bible comes this welcome addition. Acknowledging that much of the Bible is narrative witness to a people’s experience of God, the authors add two things that set this textbook apart from others. They incorporate narrative criticism into their approach to the biblical texts, without, however, neglecting the results of historical-critical methods; and they identify the theological claims made by each biblical book.
—Susan A. Calef, assistant professor of New Testament, Creighton University
Robert A. Kugler is Paul S. Wright Professor of Christian Studies at Lewis & Clark College, Portland, Oregon.
Patrick J. Hartin is professor of religious studies at Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington.
A comprehensive gathering of persons found in the Bible, including the Apocrypha, All the People in the Bible delivers on its title: literally all of the Bible’s characters appear in this fascinating reference work. From the first article on Aaron to the final entry on Zophar, Richard Losch details each person in a lively narrative style.
Richard Losch has written much more than just another ‘name book.’ What he has given us is really a commentary on the Bible, seen through the unique focus of the human players in the biblical story. His comprehensive work is meticulously researched, accurately presented, and fascinatingly written. All pastors should add this impressive volume to those books they keep in reach—it will be in constant use.
—Clyde E. Fant, Jr., professor emeritus of religious studies, Stetson University
Richard R. Losch is retired rector of St. James’ Episcopal Church in Livingston, Alabama
In The Return of the Chaos Monsters—and Other Backstories of the Bible, Gregory Mobley plunges beneath the Bible’s surface to reveal its “backstories”—the tales that constitute the backbone of the people of Israel and of the body of Christ. Viewing the Bible as “essentially, relentlessly story,” Mobley provides an easy-to-understand seven-part thematic overview of the Bible that guides readers through the drama of the Hebrew Bible, highlighting the interconnectedness of biblical stories. Each story is a variation on a single theme—the dynamic interplay between order and chaos.
In lively prose Greg Mobley combines the work of teacher and preacher, scholar and poet to explore the dominant story line undergirding the Bible. His passion for the subject guides the reader into mystery and mayhem, law and love, nature and nourishment. A book worthy of the informed faith it espouses.
—Phyllis Trible, university professor, School of Divinity, Wake Forest University
Mobley has written a thick narrative account of Israel’s thick narrative. He does so with freedom and imagination while remaining faithful to the plotline of the old narrative. His book defies genre classification; it is part introduction, part theology, but mostly a playful tease that invites the reader into the indeterminate wisdom of the biblical text. Mobley’s shrewd reflection on ‘God’s anger’ is itself well worth the price of the book. But there is much more here that invites fresh thinking about texts we thought we already knew. This welcome and suggestive probe of biblical imagination ranges all the way from the stories of the ancient Near East to quite personal narrative memories.
—Walter Brueggemann, William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament Emeritus, Columbia Theological Seminary
The Bible was composed by storytellers, and, nearly alone among commentators, Mobley brings the Bible’s narrative world, often an oral narrative world, to life.
—Lawrence M. Wills, Ethelbert Talbot Professor of Biblical Studies, Episcopal Divinity School
Gregory Mobley is professor of Christian Bible at Andover Newton Theological School and was a recipient of the Society of Biblical Literature’s Regional Scholar award. An ordained American Baptist minister, he is active in promoting Jewish-Christian relations in the Boston area. His other books include The Empty Men: The Heroic Tradition of Ancient Israel.
The task of interpreting the Bible—a book written by and to people living in very different cultural contexts from contemporary Western society—can seem monumental. The opposite is also true: people can easily forget that studying the Bible is a type of cross-cultural encounter, instead reading their own cultural assumptions into biblical texts.
In A Cultural Handbook to the Bible, John Pilch bridges this cultural divide by translating important social concepts and applying them to biblical texts. In accessible chapters Pilch discusses 63 topics related to the cosmos, the earth, persons, family, language, human consciousness, God and the spirit world, and entertainment. Pilch’s fresh interpretations of the Bible challenge traditional views and explore topics often overlooked in commentaries. Each chapter concludes with a list of useful references from cultural anthropology or biblical studies, making this book an excellent resource for students of the Bible.
A Cultural Handbook to the Bible is a splendid resource for teachers (at any level), preachers, and general readers seeking to bridge the gaps (geographical, historical, social, cultural) separating us today from biblical times and everyday life in antiquity.
—John H. Elliott, professor emeritus of New Testament, University of San Francisco
From beginning to end, John Pilch breaks the cultural world of the Bible wide open, enabling readers along the whole theological spectrum to be more considerate readers of texts that derive from a social system vastly different from our own. With this aid at their side, readers of the Bible will avoid common misinterpretations of biblical terms, symbols, behaviors, values, and more. This is a must-have resource for theologians, preachers, and students.
—Joan C. Campbell, professor of New Testament studies, Atlantic School of Theology
Pilch’s Cultural Handbook to the Bible is so interesting that readers will find it hard to stop reading. Very accessible for a wide range of readers—college students, seminarians, theologians, laypersons. . . . Materials from this book would give lots of fizz and snap to sermons.
—Jerome H. Neyrey, professor emeritus of New Testament studies, University of Notre Dame
In a highly accessible style yet with deep and wide scholarship, John Pilch, an international authority on the biblical social world, leads us, like a trustworthy tour guide, through the highways and byways of the ancient world. Thanks to his work, the Bible becomes alive to us again as God’s Word in human words. I most strongly recommend this handbook to both scholars and general readers.
—Peter C. Phan, Ellacuria Chair of Catholic Social Thought, Georgetown University
Once more Pilch has given us what we have come to expect from him—thorough knowledge from Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cultures giving new and unexpected insights into the texts of the Bible. Short essays on a wide range of topics provide answers to the curious Bible reader, and bibliographies give students tools to pursue their own explorations into the fascinating world of the Bible. This is a book to enjoy and learn from!
—Halvor Moxnes, professor of New Testament studies, University of Oslo
John J. Pilch is visiting professor in the Odyssey Program at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, and was adjunct professor of biblical literature at Georgetown University for 18 years.
The Bible continues to be the world’s best-selling book. But few people could say just how its writings—stories, letters, poems, legal code, and vivid prophecy—were brought together. How the Bible Was Built clearly tells the story of how the Bible came to be.
Written by Charles Merrill Smith in response to his granddaughter’s questions, the manuscript was discovered after Smith’s death and has been reworked by his friend James Bennett for a wider audience. Free of theological or sectarian slant, this volume provides a factual overview of the Bible’s construction throughout history, outlining how its various books were composed, collected, canonized, and translated.
James W. Bennett is the award-winning author of several young adult novels, including Old Hoss and The Squared Circle, as well as the spiritual memoir A Quiet Desperation.
Charles Merrill Smith was a United Methodist minister and is the well-known author of such books as How to Become a Bishop without Being Religious, When the Saints Go Marching Out, and the Reverend Randollph mystery series.
This book by eminent scholar Anthony Thiselton is a detailed biblical, historical, and contemporary study of the Holy Spirit. Thiselton presents an up-to-date account of biblical teaching on the topic, including exposition of passages and hermeneutics; offers a comprehensive historical survey from the Apostolic Fathers to Jonathan Edwards; and engages a host of modern theologians.
Thiselton closes by discussing a remarkably wide range of writings on the Holy Spirit from the nineteenth century to the present day. He interacts with Pentecostals and the Renewal Movement in a positive, yet critical manner. The book as a whole is at once scholarly and readable, comprehensive and practical.
Magisterial! Brilliant! Erudite! Anthony Thiselton offers a sure-handed overview of the biblical teachings on the Spirit, maps the major historical streams of pneumatological reflection, and charts the important trajectories going forward. . . . This book bridges heretofore divergent polemics and opens up new dialogical horizons and possibilities for the contemporary theological task.
—Amos Yong, dean of the School of Divinity, Regent University
In this crucial and practical work Thiselton provides expert guidance through the variety of topics pertinent to a theology of the Holy Spirit. . . . I know of nothing comparable. This volume is something every pastor and student should have in his or her library.
—Klyne Snodgrass, professor of biblical literature, North Park Theological Seminary
Respectfully engages a wide range of literature. Even cessationists and classical Pentecostals, who will argue with various elements, will find numerous points valuable for reflection and exegesis. All will appreciate and profit from the helpful engagement with secondary literature and survey of historical perspectives.
—Craig S. Keener, professor of New Testament, Asbury Theological Seminary
I have often thought that I would like to round off my writing career with a fuller or more complete study of the Holy Spirit. Rather to my relief I need no longer champ at that bit. Tony Thiselton has already done it and left me nothing to do. Thank you, Tony.
—James Dunn, Lightfoot Professor of Divinity Emeritus, University of Durham
Anthony C. Thiselton is professor emeritus of Christian theology at the University of Nottingham, England.
In The Unrelenting God, accomplished scholars in the fields of biblical and theological studies explore ways in which Scripture speaks about God’s character and God’s activity in the world. As honoree Beverly Roberts Gaventa has done throughout her career, the contributors address important and nuanced theological themes such as God’s dramatic invasion of the world in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, God’s ultimate triumph over the powers of sin and death, and humanity’s ongoing participation with God in Christ.
David J. Downs is associate professor of New Testament studies at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California.
Matthew L. Skinner is associate professor of New Testament at Luther Seminary, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
This volume offers one of the best available introductions to the psalmic literature of the Bible. Specially designed for use in a wide range of educational settings, James Crenshaw’s new book will help beginning students read the psalms with understanding and appreciation.
Part 1 examines the composition and major features of the book of Psalms. Comparisons to other biblical psalms and to deutero- and noncanonical psalms are also made. Part 2 surveys the various approaches to the Psalter, illustrating with great clarity the various modes of interpreting the book. Crenshaw looks in particular at the types of psalms, their social settings, and the historical reconstruction of the Israelite experience, with special attention to ancient Near Eastern iconography. Artistic design and theological editing are also discussed. In Part 3 Crenshaw offers in-depth exegesis of four notable psalms—24, 71, 73, and 115—to show how one might fruitfully engage the text.
As usual, James Crenshaw has done his homework for this little book. And what homework it is, for he brings to this quite accessible introduction long years of pondering. As a result, an entire tradition of scholarship is on offer for the reader. In addition to presenting all of the ‘necessities’ of an introduction, the book offers peculiar gifts that only Crenshaw can give. These include his careful sorting of ‘wisdom psalms’ and his exposition of specific psalms, most notably Psalm 73. Readers are introduced not only to substantive learning but also to careful method—Crenshaw’s signature contribution.
—Walter Brueggemann, professor of Old Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary
Out of his many years of teaching and studying the book of Psalms, James Crenshaw has given us the fruits of his wisdom. This book looks broadly at matters that have to do with composition, collection, types of psalms, and aspects of their poetry and imagery. But Crenshaw’s close, detailed look at some particular and often ignored psalms is the best part of the book.
—Patrick D. Miller, Charles T. Haley Professor of Old Testament Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary
This volume offers a study of the psalms as a collection of prayers and praises, as discrete efforts to plumb the depths of life’s meaning, and as a central part of ancient Israel’s theological achievement. What a rich and splendid interpretation of a rich and splendid portion of the Bible!
—Walter Harrelson, dean, Vanderbilt Divinity School
Crenshaw has a long record as a highly respected scholar in biblical studies, having published numerous books, articles and studies. An excellent teacher, Crenshaw has written this introduction out of years of teaching the book of Psalms in the classroom. Crenshaw has developed his own approach to the Psalms, and his book would serve well as a textbook. In his survey of the collections in the Psalter and of the psalms outside, Crenshaw gives skillfully written, brief summaries of individual psalms, written in fine English style. The reader could stop at many places for further study and reflection on the psalms summarized.
—Hebrew Studies
James L. Crenshaw is Robert L. Flowers Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Duke University Divinity School. He is the author of numerous books in biblical studies, including Story and Faith, Urgent Advice and Probing Questions, Education in Ancient Israel, and Old Testament Wisdom: An Introduction.
For many years Gordon Fee, one of today’s foremost evangelical scholars, has been asked to bring his trusted biblical expertise together with his well-known passion for the gospel and the church. Listening to the Spirit in the Text is his answer. Gathered here are Fee’s best studies and reflections on the art of attending to the biblical text critically yet with a deep spiritual sensitivity. These insightful chapters cover a wide range of contemporary topics, including the relationship between Bible study and spirituality, gender issues, worship, tongues speaking, church order and leadership, the believer and possessions, and the role of the gospel in our global society.
These essays show Gordon Fee at his characteristic work, fusing exegetical accuracy and evangelical passion. Words are never mere words for this master exegete. I think of him as our ‘resurrection scholar,’ calling the words out of the text and setting them before us pulsing with life.
—Eugene Peterson, professor of spiritual theology, Regent College
This set of biblical explorations—mostly Pauline, as we would expect—demonstrates Gordon Fee’s strength in exegesis, biblical theology, and hermeneutics as he pursues his trinitarian, churchly, life-centered concerns. Fee is a Pentecostal pneumatologist without peer. In his large hearted service of the biblical text he is in every way a model. Brilliant and simple, these chapters will enrich all who take the Bible seriously.
—J.I. Packer, professor of theology, Regent College
Gordon D. Fee is professor emeritus of New Testament studies at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia. In addition to his many highly respected commentaries and biblical studies, he is also the author of Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God, Gospel and Spirit, and How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth.
The work of a highly esteemed New Testament scholar, this commentary on 1 Peter has unparalleled breadth and depth and reflects a lifetime of devoted scholarship. Leonhard Goppelt presents here a rich exposition of 1 Peter that New Testament students and scholars will consult time and again with great profit.
Goppelt’s detailed section-by-section and phrase by phrase commentary is preceded by a complete bibliography and an extended introduction. Scattered throughout the commentary are special notes and excursuses on several themes and issues related to the text of the letter. The footnotes contain a wealth of bibliographical information, which has been updated by translator John Alsup, and an appendix by Alsup provides a brief appreciative survey of the life and works of Leonhard Goppelt. Besides its unusually thorough treatment of the biblical text and the history of interpretation, what distinguishes this commentary is Goppelt’s balanced focus on 1 Peter as a document setting forth social-ethical guidelines for Christians not just in the first century but in today’s world as well.
A scholarly Christian classic, this monumental commentary on 1 Peter will find a welcome place in seminary courses (New Testament, social ethics), in theological libraries, and in pastor’s studies.
Leonhard’s Goppelt’s book is notable among commentaries on 1 Peter for two things. The first is the extensive and creative use made of evidence from the Qumran literature; the second is the fruitful attempt to point out the social consequences of this letter’s ethics, which have often— and wrongly—been assumed to be of a quietistic nature. Goppelt’s commentary is a fine key for unlocking the theological riches of this undeservedly ignored jewel of a letter.
—Paul J. Achtemeier, professor of biblical interpretation, Union Theological Seminary
The publication of Goppelt’s commentary on 1 Peter in English translation is excellent news for all serious students of the letter. John Alsup’s labor of love in translating the work of his teacher will earn him the gratitude of English-speaking students everywhere as they are now able to profit from the feast of good things in this fine commentary—especially its careful delineation of 1 Peter’s theological message.
—I. Howard Marshall, professor of New Testament, University of Aberdeen
This commentary is surely one of the most important to have been published on 1 Peter in the twentieth century. Marked by the same careful attention to the text and respect of the judgments of other scholars that characterize all of Goppelt’s work, it stands right alongside his Theology of the New Testament as a major scholarly achievement.
—Victor Paul Furnish, professor of New Testament, Perkins School of Theology
Leonhard Goppelt (1911–1973) was professor of New Testament at Hamburg and Munich. His other publications include Apostolic and Post-Apostolic Times, and Theology of the New Testament (2 vols.).
In this groundbreaking study of Paul’s soteriology, Michael Gorman builds on his influential Cruciformity: Paul’s Narrative Spirituality of the Cross to argue that cruciformity is, at its heart, theoformity—what the Christian tradition has called theosis or participation in the life of God.
Gorman deftly integrates the results of recent debates about Pauline theology into a powerful constructive account that overcomes unfruitful dichotomies and transcends recent controversies between the ‘New Perspective on Paul’ and its traditionalist critics. Gorman’s important book points the way forward for understanding the nonviolent, world-transforming character of Paul’s gospel.
—Richard B. Hays, professor of New Testament, Duke Divinity School
Michael J. Gorman holds the Raymond E. Brown Chair in Biblical Studies and Theology at St. Mary’s Seminary and University, Baltimore, Maryland. A highly regarded New Testament scholar, he has also written Reading Revelation Responsibly: Uncivil Worship and Witness and Elements of Biblical Exegesis: A Basic Guide for Students and Ministers.
The problem of the historical Jesus remains one of the most important themes in New Testament scholarship. Closely related to this problem is the question, How far can the impact made by the earthly Jesus and his own self-understanding sustain the weight of the Christological construction put upon them by the early church? In the past two decades some scholars have taken an increasingly gloomy attitude toward the possibility of knowing anything of substance about Jesus from the Gospels or, at the opposite extreme, have sometimes made outlandish claims about him. Others, like the contributors of this volume, have begun moving the discussion into fresh areas of creative, responsible inquiry.
Written in honor of I. Howard Marshall on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Jesus of Nazareth: Lord and Christ honors this distinguished scholar by reflecting his longstanding interest in Luke-Acts, his concern for the historical Jesus, and his stress on the significance of Jesus’ person and work in New Testament interpretation. Providing new insights and breaking new ground, the thirty outstanding essays in this volume offer a fresh assessment of New Testament data and methods pertinent to our understanding of Jesus and his significance both in his time and in ours.
This collection of outstanding essays by veteran scholars and by younger scholars who are rapidly advancing in the field of New Testament is a fitting tribute to Professor I. Howard Marshall, who is himself a scholar of the first order. Jesus of Nazareth: Lord and Christ is well focused, its themes and passages carefully chosen and expertly considered. Readers looking for studies that address many of the most important issues relating to the historical Jesus and the emergence of New Testament Christology will not be disappointed. I highly recommend this book.
—Craig A. Evans, professor of New Testament, Trinity Western University
Appropriately titled Jesus of Nazareth: Lord and Christ, this substantial volume is offered in well-deserved tribute to I. Howard Marshall, and it also merits attention in its own right as a significant contribution to New Testament scholarship. There are items here, expertly treated by a bevy of scholars linked with the honoree, that are designed to excite the interest and stimulate the minds of a wide variety of readers. This design is all the more satisfying as we recall the manifold concerns of Howard Marshall himself, whose work is both celebrated and interacted with in this timely and worthy volume.
—Ralph P. Martin, professor of Bible, London Bible College
Joel B. Green is professor of New Testament interpretation, associate dean for the Center of Advanced Theological Studies, and dean of the School of Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California. He is the editor of the New International Commentary on the New Testament series.
Max Turner is professor of New Testament studies at London School of Theology.
This book constructively explores the question: What effects should an interest in theology produce in the reading of Scripture? Since the onset of historical consciousness in biblical studies over two centuries ago, the work of biblical exegetes and systematic theologians have largely followed two paths. In this book, nine prominent scholars work to bridge the longstanding gap between biblical studies and theology by concentrating on the nature of a biblical hermeneutics approach to doing theology. The range of concerns presented by these scholars seeks to reintegrate biblical exegesis with contemporary theology in the service of the church.
Between Two Horizons is a thoughtful presentation of the major issues that have separated exegesis and theology in the past, and it provides a blueprint for the construction of a bridge between the two disciplines.
For pastors looking for a wide-ranging discussion on the intermingling of contemporary thought between biblical studies and theology, this book would be a good place to begin.
—Clergy Journal
Joel B. Green is professor of New Testament interpretation, associate dean for the Center of Advanced Theological Studies, and dean of the School of Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California. He is the editor of the New International Commentary on the New Testament series.
Max Turner is professor of New Testament studies at London School of Theology.
Few have failed to notice the increasing accommodation of evangelicalism to worldly culture. Unless this trend is corrected, evangelicalism will soon lose the distinctives that have catapulted it to unparalleled success in the religious marketplace. This bold work by Robert Gundry finds a powerful and much-needed antidote to worldliness in John’s Gospel. Built on a unique combination of biblical exegesis, sociological analysis, and contemporary application, the book traces the influence of Word-Christology throughout the Gospel of John, unpacking its implications for North American evangelicalism. Sure to generate discussion—even controversy—are Gundry’s adoption of a sectarian interpretation of John and his evaluation of contemporary North American evangelicalism. Seeing the evangelical tradition as having moved far down the road from sect to mainline church, he argues that it now needs a strong dose of John’s logocentric sectarianism to avoid losing the edge that has made it successful.
This is a bold and provocative book that addresses a question at the very heart of Evangelical identity at the start of the twenty first century: the relationship of Christian faith to the present world. Working from an exegesis of the Gospel of John and through contemporary discussions in the sociology of contemporary American Evangelicalism, theologian Robert Gundry challenges the often unreflective way Evangelicals relate—and acquiesce—to their social and cultural milieu. This book will surely enrage as many as it will encourage.
—James Davison Hunter, LaBrosse-Levinson Distinguished Professor of Religion, Culture, and Social Theory, University of Virginia
Robert Horton Gundry is an American New Testament scholar and Westmont College’s Scholar-in-Residence. He received his PhD from Manchester University in 1961 and taught for several decades at Westmont College in California.
In view of the proliferation of conflicting images of Jesus in the church, in the academy, and in popular culture, it is no wonder that his identity sometimes appears more elusive than ever. Seeking the Identity of Jesus brings together an interdisciplinary group of leading scholars—from the fields of biblical studies, theology, and church history—to focus on the complex problems surrounding the quest for the historical Jesus. Their perspectives are richly informed by Scripture, testimony from the church’s past, and experience of the risen Jesus in the present.
Seeking the Identity of Jesus is a ‘wiki-Christology,’ a series of chapters whose central story about Jesus Christ is alive and growing and developing. This is not the final word; it is an invitation to join in on listening to the Word. The bonus in this book is that it gathers world-class experts who write from faith about the Christian’s most important question: Who was Jesus? In your hands is a gift to the church.
—Scot McKnight, professor of New Testament, North Park University
This dialogue of biblical scholars and theologians both challenges and enlightens. Anyone interested in historical Jesus issues, in understanding how Jesus is known, or in grasping his true character must pay attention to these essays.
—Klyne Snodgrass, professor of New Testament, North Park Theological Seminary
Beverly Roberts Gaventa is distinguished professor of New Testament interpretation at Baylor University, Waco, Texas.
Richard B. Hays is dean and the George Washington Ivey Professor of New Testament at Duke Divinity School, Durham, North Carolina. He is internationally recognized for his work on the letters of Paul and on New Testament ethics. His book The Moral Vision of the New Testament was selected by Christianity Today as one of the 100 most important religious books of the twentieth century.
The Old Testament makes up three-quarters of the Bible and has had an incalculable influence on Western civilization and culture. Yet it is often neglected by the church, problematic for teachers, and inaccessible to students. Written by experienced scholars and educators from five continents, Make the Old Testament Live offers fresh perspectives on teaching the Old Testament today. Addressing problems of curriculum, context, and communication, these essays discuss such topics as which parts of the Old Testament should be taught, what approaches work best with each level of students, and what modern educational methods are best for teaching the Bible. Practical, insightful, and based on years of classroom experience in institutions ranging from seminaries to secular universities, this volume will enable all teachers of the Bible or theology to make the Old Testament more vital for their students.
All those who teach the Old Testament will find themselves poring over each chapter, discovering many points pertinent to the task to which we have been called. Whether one is considering how better to teach Hebrew, how to organize lectures on Old Testament theology, or how courses on the Old Testament should fit into a specific curriculum, this volume offers help around every corner. Full of practical ideas on how to make the Old Testament live for today’s students.
—Bill T. Arnold, professor of Old Testament interpretation, Asbury Theological Seminary
This book is filled with fascinating and practical advice for students and teachers of the Old Testament. It forms part of an important movement to revitalize the teaching of the Old Testament, and I commend it.
—William Dyrness, professor of theology and culture, Fuller Theological Seminary
Gordon J. Wenham is lecturer of Old Testament at Trinity College, Bristol. He is the author of numerous books on the Old Testament, including Psalms as Torah and Story as Torah: Reading the Old Testament Narrative Ethically.
Richard S. Hess is professor of Old Testament at Denver Seminary in Colorado and author of Israelite Religions: An Archaeological and Biblical Survey.
Zion, City of Our God gathers studies by an international team of scholars that help portray the full significance of Jerusalem in the first Temple period of the Old Testament.
Gordon J. Wenham is lecturer of Old Testament at Trinity College, Bristol. He is the author of numerous books on the Old Testament, including Psalms as Torah: Reading Biblical Song Ethically and Story as Torah: Reading Old Testament Narrative Ethically.
Richard S. Hess is professor of Old Testament at Denver Seminary in Colorado and author of Israelite Religions: An Archaeological and Biblical Survey.
This important new work explores in depth the relationship between the mission of Jesus and of the disciples as presented in the Gospel of John, and explores the implications of these findings for the contemporary church. Based on a comprehensive semantic field of study that integrates biblical studies, theology, and missiology, this volume represents the first time such an approach has been used for the study of mission in John. Andreas Kostenberger begins by surveying the state of research on mission in the fourth Gospel, then covers foundational linguistic, definitional, and literary matters. The succeeding two chapters contain the actual study of the missions of Jesus and of the disciples. In discussing the disciples’ mission, special attention is given to the question of how later generations of disciples should be related to Jesus’ original followers. The volume concludes with a chapter on the implications of Kostenberger’s findings for the fourth Gospel’s purpose and for the mission of the contemporary church. Kostenberger engages recent missiological constructs based on the fourth Gospel, most notably the so-called “incarnational model” of mission, and concludes that this model is seriously flawed and should be replaced by a “representational model” that views Jesus’ followers as his representatives, who do not share in the theologically unique aspects of his incarnation.
An interestingly nuanced, in-depth, and balanced study with important theological as well as missiological implications for the contemporary church. This important study is of particular value to biblical interpreters, theological professors, missiologists, missionaries, mission leaders, and parish pastors and should be in their school and church libraries.
Kostenberger’s study has many strengths. It is well written and a number of important issues are resolved with clarity and conviction. Careful scholarship makes this book another valuable contribution to scholarly reflection upon the theme of mission in the fourth Gospel.
Andreas J. Kostenberger is associate professor of New Testament and Greek at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. He is the author of numerous books, including A Theology of John’s Gospel and Letters and John in the Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament.
To answer the question of what role the New Testament should play in the formation and expression of Christian social morality today, Richard Longenecker here proposes a developmental hermeneutic, which distinguishes between “declared principles” and “described practices” in the New Testament writings.
With this distinction in mind, he focuses on the three couplets of Galatians 3:28—“neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female”—showing how these matters were treated in early Christian thought and explaining their meaning for us today. In so doing, Longenecker lays a hermeneutical foundation for the much larger discussion of Christian social ethics.
Longenecker’s exposition of the major contours of New Testament social ethics is nothing less than brilliant. I heartily commend this book to all who seek to take God’s Word seriously.
—W. Ward Gasque, president, Pacific Association for Biblical Studies in Seattle
A stimulating, provocative book. Longenecker offers a clear hermeneutical alternative within an evangelical framework that should elicit considerable discussion.
—Gordon D. Fee, professor emeritus of New Testament, Regent College
It is refreshing to read Richard Longenecker’s thoughtful book. He is to be commended for his forthright struggle with the unavoidable hermeneutical issues and for his ‘developmental’ hermeneutic.
—David M. Scholer, professor, Fuller Theological Seminary
Longenecker’s clarity, his grasp of the issues, and his firm and moderate handling of a controversial theme are much to be welcomed.
—C.F.D. Moule, Lady Margaret’s Professor of Divinity, Cambridge University
Richard N. Longenecker is professor emeritus of New Testament at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto. His many books include The Christology of Early Jewish Christianity and The Message and Ministry of Paul.
Here, finally, is a much-needed review and analysis of the divergent interpretations of Paul. With a clear head and winsome sense of humor, Stephen Westerholm compares the traditional understanding of Paul to more recent readings, drawing on the writings of key figures in the debate both past and present.
Westerholm first offers a detailed portrait of the “Lutheran” Paul, including the way such theologians as Augustine, Luther, Calvin, and Wesley have traditionally interpreted “justification by faith” to mean that God declares sinners “righteous” by his grace apart from “works.” Westerholm then explores how Paul has fared in the twentieth century, in which “New Perspective” readings of Paul see him teaching that Gentiles need not become Jews or observe Jewish law to be God’s people. The final section of the book looks anew at disputed areas of Paul’s theological language and offers compelling discussion on the place of both justification by faith and Mosaic law in divine redemption.
Stephen Westerholm’s book is the ideal entry into the discussion on Paul, the law, and justification. Only here will readers find both contemporary and historic contributions to the debate explained. Westerholm reminds us that Augustine, Luther, Calvin, and Wesley must be reckoned with seriously as profound interpreters of Paul. He also provides his own incisive and insightful contribution to the biblical text, repristinating the perspective of Luther for our day. Throughout, Westerholm writes with the sparkling clarity and wit that is characteristic of all his work.
—Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
This eagerly awaited volume is a gem. After years of debate about the ‘new perspective,’ a debate bogged down with multiple confusions, Stephen Westerholm describes and analyzes all the main viewpoints on Paul’s theology of law, grace, and justification from Augustine onward. With enviable clarity, incisive observation, and shafts of humor, Westerholm reaffirms and refines the ‘old perspective’ while also incorporating the strong points of the new. This is the book we all have needed, both scholars and students. It will surely help us escape the impasse in our current debates.
—John Barclay, Lightfoot Professor of Divinity, Durham University
Since its publication in 1988, Stephen Westerholm’s book Israel’s Law and the Church’s Faith has served as one of the best explorations of Paul’s view of justification by faith. That book is now superseded by Perspectives Old and New on Paul. Westerholm here elongates the temporal parameters of his earlier work, reconstructing the views of Paul’s most significant interpreters from the distant past to the turn of the twenty first century. Against the backdrop of his fair and principled survey of scholarship, Westerholm’s own examination of Paul’s texts is characterized by a depth of analytical and theological perception rarely found in scholarly studies. For those with time to read only one book about Paul’s view of justification by faith, this should be the book. And for those with time to read more, this is the book to start with.
—Bruce W. Longenecker, professor of religion, Baylor University
Written with sparkling humor, this book is a landmark work both in its treatment of the vast scholarly literature and in its crisp exegesis of Paul himself. Perspectives Old and New on Paul is proof again, if proof were needed, that Stephen Westerholm is still head and shoulders above almost everyone else as an interpreter of Paul.
—Simon J. Gathercole, senior lecturer in New Testament studies and director of studies at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge University
Stephen Westerholm’s most recent missive from the battlefield of Pauline studies will enliven the most dazed student and cheer the crustiest scholar. With his clear head and winsome sense of humor, Westerholm has once again produced one of the most insightful and readable studies available on the role of the Mosaic law, divine grace, and Christian faith in Pauline theology.
—Frank Thielman, Presbyterian Professor of Divinity at Beeson Divinity School, Samford University.
Stephen Westholm is professor of biblical studies at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. His other books include Preface to the Study of Paul and Israel’s Law and the Church’s Faith: Paul and His Recent Interpreters.
This commentary on Daniel by Dr. Edward J. Young, late professor of Old Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, is the serious, painstaking work of one of the foremost of contemporary Old Testament scholars. It is designed to meet the needs of the minister and the trained Bible student as well as the average educated reader of Holy Scripture.
The author has aimed above all else to present a clear, positive exposition of prophecy coupled with an accurate explanation of historical fact based on recent research and the accumulated authority of other outstanding Biblical scholars. In addition, he has endeavored to bring out the exact meaning of the Hebrew and Aramaic languages in the new translation which accompanies the commentary.
The reader will find adequate reference to the divergent interpretations of others, with satisfying, scholarly explanation of differences. Those unacquainted with the ancient languages can nevertheless read this volume with great profit.
Dr. Young makes it abundantly plain that the issue is not between good and bad, intelligent and obscurantist, scientific and unscientific scholarship but between a believing scholarship and a skeptical and rationalistic scholarship.
—Oswald T. Allis, professor of Semitic philology, Princeton Theological Seminary
Edward J. Young (1907–1968) was considered one of the ablest conservative scholars in the field of Old Testament, served for many years as professor of Old Testament at Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia.
Warfare exerts a magnetic power, even a terrible attraction, in its emphasis on glory, honor, and duty. In order to face the terror of war, it is necessary to face how our biblical traditions have made it attractive—even alluring.
In this book Mark Smith undertakes an extensive exploration of “poetic heroes” across a number of ancient cultures in order to understand the attitudes of those cultures toward war and warriors. Smith examines the Iliad and the Gilgamesh; Ugaritic poems commemorating Baal, Aqhat, and the Rephaim; and early biblical poetry, including the battle hymn of Judges five and the lament of David over Saul and Jonathan in 2 Samuel one. Smith’s Poetic Heroes analyzes the importance of heroic poetry in early Israel and its disappearance after the time of David, building on several strands of scholarship in archaeological research, poetic analysis, and cultural reconstruction.
Mark S. Smith is Skirball Professor of Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Studies at New York University. His recent books include The Priestly Vision of Genesis 1 and God in Translation: Deities in Cross-Cultural Discourse in the Biblical World.
Representing the highest echelon of Isaiah studies, this volume explores distinct issues that arise from the critical study of the text of Isaiah. The contributors acknowledge and comment on the exegetical contributions of distinguished biblical scholar Joseph Blenkinsopp, providing distinction and coherence to the collection.
The publication between 2000 and 2004 of Blenkinsopp’s three-volume Anchor Yale Bible commentary on Isaiah marked a significant development in Isaiah studies. Many of the articles and books now published in the field cite Blenkinsopp, testifying to how his commentary is influencing and helping shape the future direction of Isaiah studies. This volume, with its focus on his contributions, provides a fresh look at Isaiah studies in the twenty first century.
This collection of cutting-edge essays by eminent scholars at once advances dialogue between European and American scholars and provides a fitting tribute to one of the most prolific interpreters of Isaiah in this generation.
—John J. Collins, Holmes Professor of Old Testament Criticism and Interpretation, Yale Divinity School
For anyone interested in the book of Isaiah, this volume provides a wealth of studies (as well as a warm and witty appreciation of Joseph Blenkinsopp by Philip Davies). This collection not only honors a major scholar in the field but also makes its own original contribution, which all future students of Isaiah will need to take account of.
Lester L. Grabbe, emeritus professor of Hebrew Bible and early Judaism, University of Hull
A series of significant studies treating Isaian texts and issues, these essays offer a wealth of diachronic and synchronic observations, broad thematic considerations, and studies of words and phrases. Most are written by leading biblical scholars and address fundamental questions. Highly recommended.
—Mark S. Smith, Skirball Professor of Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, New York University
A positive view in this volume of the role of redactors as creators in their own right marks a new perspective on the relationship between the three major sections of the book of Isaiah. The bibliographic entries are invaluable for current Isaiah studies.
—Chris Franke, professor of theology, St. Catherine University
Richard J. Bautch is associate dean of the school of humanities and professor of religious studies at St. Edward’s University, Austin, Texas.
J. Todd Hibbard is assistant professor of religious studies at the University of Detroit Mercy.