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Products>Romans (Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching)

Romans (Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching)

, 1985

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Paul was on fire to preach the good news of the gracious lordship of God expressed in Jesus Christ, and nowhere more so than in Romans. Because God as creator is Lord over the whole of created reality, reflections on that lordship encompass the full range of human problems, and nowhere is that more the case than in Romans. Paul deals with problems as contemporary as tomorrow's newspaper. They are problems as global as the headlines and as intimate as those discussed in "Dear Abby." The fate and future of the Jewish people, the role of the individual in the total sweep of history, the responsibilities of the citizen to the government of the country with which he or she may not always agree, the morality of actions in which adults engage, sexual and otherwise—all these and more occupy Paul in his letter to the Christians in Rome. It could not have been otherwise, because a letter to Rome was a letter to the political, military, and economic capital of Paul's world; and he could no more avoid such problems than could a Christian author in our day writing to Christians in Washington, D.C. One may come to Paul's letter to the Romans therefore with great expectations.

Resource Experts
  • Detailed introduction
  • Bibliography

Top Highlights

“It was thus the universal consequences of Adam’s disobedience which anticipated the universal consequences of Christ’s obedience. It is because of those universal consequences that Paul calls Adam a ‘prototype of Christ.’” (Pages 97–98)

“Here the choices are two: Belong to the humanity whose destination is determined by Adam or belong to the humanity whose destination is determined by Christ.” (Page 95)

“What ‘original sin’ really concerns is the power and therefore the nature of sin” (Page 96)

“The final victory over death occurs for Paul in the new age, not in the present. That is why Jesus’ resurrection is the announcement of the reality of the new age, but is its promise, not its final fulfillment.” (Page 99)

“Rather, the wrath which God visits on sinful humanity consists in simply letting humanity have its own way. The punishment of sin is therefore simply—sin!” (Page 40)

The Interpretation series from Westminster John Knox Press is clearly established as a rich source for teaching and preaching. They have tapped the talents of a varied and esteemed group of contributors, resulting in what is clearly the essential comprehensive commentary series on the Bible.

—W. Eugene March, A.B. Rhodes Professor of Old Testament Emeritus at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

The Interpretation series is an invaluable resource for any leader or scholar interested in interpreting the biblical text to the broader church. Its works are essential for pastors, educators, and church libraries.

—Brian K. Blount, President and Professor of New Testament at Union Theological Seminary

  • Title: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching Romans
  • Author: Paul Achtemeier
  • Publisher: John Knox Press
  • Publication Date: 1985
  • Pages: 244

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Paul Achtemeier is Professor Emeritus of Biblical Interpretation at Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Christian Education in Richmond, Virginia.


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  2. Charles Darling
  3. Faithlife User

    Faithlife User


  4. Desmond Witbooi
  5. Margaret Herrera
    Great reading…
  6. Yohanan Kwee

    Yohanan Kwee


  7. Guneshwar Markam
  8. Ken McClurkin
  9. Phil English

    Phil English


    Just started using this - it is amazing!
  10. Luis Juarez

    Luis Juarez



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