Digital Logos Edition
Against the Heresies establishes Irenaeus as the most important theologian of the second century. It is a detailed and effective refutation of Gnosticism, and a major source of information on the various Gnostic sects and doctrines in early Christianity.
“ With this same purpose in mind, Mark too, Peter’s translator and follower, began his Gospel account thus” (Page 51)
“Polycarp, likewise, not only was taught by the apostles and conversed with many of those who saw our Lord but also was appointed bishop of the Church at Smyrna in Asia by the apostles.16 We, too, saw him in our early age, for he lived on a long time, and departed this life as a very old man, having most gloriously and most nobly suffered martyrdom.17 He always taught the things that he had learned from the apostles, which he also handed on to the Church and which alone are true.18 Of this all the Churches in Asia bear witness, as well as the successors of Polycarp until the present day.” (Page 33)
“When, however, we refer them again to the tradition that derives from the apostles and is guarded in the Churches by the succession of the presbyters, they are opposed to tradition and claim that they are wiser not only than the presbyters but even than the apostles, and have found the unadulterated truth.” (Page 31)
“‘God transferred the curse to the earth, that it might not remain in man.’11 But as punishment for his transgression, the man received weariness and earthly labor, and to eat his bread in the sweat of his face, and to return to the ground from which he was taken.12 In like manner, the woman [received] weariness, labors, sighs, painful childbirths, and servitude—that is, to serve her husband. Thus, they were not cursed by God, that they might not perish altogether; but neither were they left unreprimanded, lest they come to despise God.” (Pages 106–107)
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