Digital Logos Edition
J. Alberto Soggin interacts with the Hebrew Bible in this standard survey, now in its third edition. His critique of these texts as a whole provide a nuanced and helpful discussion suitable for an academic audience.
“the validity of the wisdom axiom that the world is governed in a rational manner by the divine wisdom.” (Page 449)
“no immediate and direct contact with the circumstances in which a certain type of literature came into being” (Page 4)
“So we can affirm that the redaction puts the ministry of Amos around 760 BCE” (Page 283)
“It had to have been composed during the period between Moses and Ezra” (Page 13)
“We do not hear of any disciples whom Ezekiel may have had, but since he regularly received the elders of Judah, a school or at least a circle could (this of course is only a possibility) have arisen which transmitted his words and meditated on them. In any case, the inauthentic material is difficult to recognize in Ezekiel because we have fewer external points of reference with him than with others.” (Page 359)