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Products>Women in Ministry: Four Views (Spectrum Multiview Books)

Women in Ministry: Four Views (Spectrum Multiview Books)

Digital Logos Edition

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Should women teach men? Should they exercise authority over men? What about ordaining women? Even those who agree that Scripture must determine our answers do not agree on what it teaches. And too often differing sides have not been willing to listen to one another. Here in one volume are the views of four deeply committed evangelicals that focus the discussion on the issues.

Robert Culver argues for what might be called the traditional view that women should not exercise authority over or teach men. Susan Foh suggests a modified view which would allow for women to teach but not to hold positions of authority. Walter Liefeld presents a case for plural ministry that questions ordination as a means of conferring authority. Alvera Mickelsen defends the full equality of men and women in the church. What makes this book especially helpful is that the writers all respond to the other essays, pointing out weaknesses and hidden assumptions.

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Top Highlights

“Yet the simplest and most obvious reading is that the woman was leader of a ‘house church’ and that the ‘children’ mentioned in the letter refer to the Christians who met in her house.” (Page 174)

“The adage is true: A text without its context is only a pretext” (Page 177)

“In many evangelical churches the locus of authority is the congregation” (Page 146)

“Luther taught that every Christian had the duty to carry out certain priestly functions and that in unusual circumstances, when no man was available, a woman should be permitted to preach. Calvin believed that matters involving church government and worship, unlike basic doctrine, could change to fit into a particular culture. The church had to be sensitive to the world around it so that it would not be unduly offensive to society on these issues. Among such issues he included the silence of women in the congregation as a matter of human opinion.” (Page 11)

“Paul in Galatians 3:26–29 essentially restated Joel’s prophecy about the coming of the Holy Spirit’s power without regard to race, gender or economic status: ‘For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise’ (KJV).” (Page 180)

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