Tommy Newberry's best-selling Success Is Not an Accident (self-published in 1999) has helped over 100,000 readers achieve higher levels of success in both their personal and professional lives. Reminiscent of best-selling authors Stephen Covey and John Maxwell, Newberry teaches readers the power of goal setting, time management, visualization, and “self-talk” so they can achieve peak levels of performance in all areas of their lives.
“An extraordinary life is simply the accumulation of thousands of efforts, often unseen by others, that lead to the accomplishment of worthwhile goals.” (source)
“Feeling-driven thinking, as popular as it is in our culture today, is shallow thinking. It signals weak character, lack of conviction, and spiritual immaturity. Fortunately, feeling-driven thinking is just an unproductive habit that can be changed.” (source)
“Accept that you have been custom-made by God to serve an exclusive function in this world, even if that role and a plan to fulfill it are not yet clear to you.” (source)
“In light of where I’ve been, where I am today, and who I intend to become in the future, what is the wise thing to do in this situation?’” (source)
“If there is anything in your life that is not the way you want it to be, you and only you are responsible for changing it.” (source)