Digital Logos Edition
This collection couples updated editions of longtime Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary professor James Leo Garrett Jr.’s two-volume Systematic Theology, a comprehensive exposition of Christian doctrines. Drawing upon his more than 40 years of experience teaching theology, Garrett offers a clear and thorough examination of Christian belief. He covers individual topics in-depth, as well as how they relate to each other in a systematic fashion. Garrett, whose career-long project has been his Baptist Theology: A Four-Century Study, engages a variety of Baptist theologians as well as others from across the theological spectrum.
“Is it possible that Augustine and later Calvin,146 with the help of many others, contributed to a hyper-individualization of this doctrine that was hardly warranted by Romans 9–11, Eph. 1:3–14, and 1 Pet. 2:9–10? Is it not true that the major emphasis in both testaments falls upon an elect people—Israel (Old Testament) and disciples or church (New Testament)?147 Ought, then, the doctrine of election now be given a more corporate or collective interpretation than has characterized most of its past formulations?148 Is election, therefore, properly to be seen as the ‘bridge’ doctrine between the Christian life and the church?” (Page 494)
“In none of the numerous Baptist confessions of faith, framed from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries and reproduced in W. L. Lumpkin’s Baptist Confessions of Faith, is the teaching of Dispensationalism included. The same may be said of certain other Christian denominations.” (Page 835)
“We add to this review of answers the conclusion that there seem to be no compelling reasons for holding that God has ordained, as distinct from permitting, the nonelection of the nonelect. Hence election does not stand or fall with reprobation as its twin doctrine.” (Page 486)
“Evidences for the Last Supper as a Passover meal include the following. The Synoptic Gospels record the Supper as occurring on Thursday evening, i.e., 15th Nisan.” (Page 660)
“Some insist that the bread must be unleavened, whereas others do not” (Page 674)
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