Digital Logos Edition
The Homilies, Audiences, and Other Writings of Pope Benedict XVI collection (19 vols.) contains the official pontifical writings, speeches, homilies, and letters of Pope Benedict XVI. These volumes, compiled and built by Logos Bible Software, contain the Holy Father’s teachings from 2005 to 2013 and are not available in this chronological digitized format anywhere else. Each Sunday homily, apostolic and public letter, and homily before and after the Angelus has been assembled in these volumes. These writings include Pope Benedict XVI’s letters and messages to bishops, archbishops, cardinals, and world leaders, his public prayers, public audiences, speeches, and his Motu Proprio—an apostolic letter, regarded as an official document, that carries an administrative or instructional purpose. Less formal than an Apostolic Constitution, the Motu Proprio carries an official statement that enacts only minor changes to law, procedure, or persons and institutions. Among these are the important Summorum Pontificum, affecting liturgical topics, and Porta Fidei, establishing the Year of Faith.