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Products>Classic Commentaries and Studies on Ruth (12 vols.)

Classic Commentaries and Studies on Ruth (12 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $84.87
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Classic Commentaries and Studies on Ruth (12 vols.) compiles many of the most significant late-eighteenth- to early-twentieth-century studies on the book of Ruth. Thanks to notable authors such as John MacGowan and Andrew Thomson, Classic Commentaries and Studies on Ruth offers over 2,000 pages of interpretation, observation, translation, contextual history, and practical application. The 12 volumes contained in Classic Commentaries and Studies on Ruth have had an enduring impact on Old Testament exegesis, and this exceptional collection provides easy access to a wealth of significant scholarship.

This collection is essential for students, scholars, pastors, historians, teachers of the Bible, and anyone else studying the book of Ruth. With Logos Bible Software, the collection is completely searchable—Scripture passages appear on mouse-over and link to the Hebrew texts and English translations in your library. This accessibility makes these texts more powerful and easier to access than ever before. With the advanced search features of Logos Bible Software, you can perform powerful searches by topic or Scripture reference—finding, for example, every mention of “Moab” or “Ruth 1:16.”

Resource Experts
  • Over 2,000 pages of notable scholarship on the book of Ruth
  • Noted authors from a variety of backgrounds
  • Completely searchable content linked to your preferred Bible translation and to the other books in your library
  • Title: Classic Commentaries and Studies on Ruth
  • Volumes: 12
  • Pages: 2,088

This title is included in the following collections

You can save when you purchase this product as part of a collection.

The Book of Ruth: Introduction, Critically-Revised Text, Critical Notes, Translation, and Explanatory Notes

  • Author: Louis Bernard Wolfenson
  • Publisher: University of Chicago Press
  • Publication Date: 1911
  • Pages: 30

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Book of Ruth comprises excerpts from Louis Bernard Wolfenson’s dissertation presented at Johns Hopkins University. This introduction presents the context of the Book of Ruth, including the character of the book and its contents, date and origin, and purpose.

Louis Bernard Wolfenson was born and raised in Wisconsin. He attended the University of Wisconsin and after receiving his BA in 1901, he was appointed Fellow in Hebrew. In 1902 he got his MA, and was reappointed as Fellow. During this time, he continued his studies, focusing mainly on Semitics, Hellenistic Greek, Sanskrit, and historical Greek grammar. Wolfenson moved to Baltimore in 1903 and studied Semitics, Sanskrit, Indo-European Comparative Philology, Egyptology, and Tagálog at Johns Hopkins University. In 1904 he was appointed University Scholar at John Hopkins and in 1905, Fellow in Semitics.

Ruth the Moabitess: A Short Commentary, Critical and Expository, on the Book of Ruth

  • Author: Alfred Leedes Hunt
  • Publisher: William Hunt and Company
  • Publication Date: 1884
  • Pages: 78

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Written for Sunday School teachers, Ruth the Moabitess is a compilation of thoughts on the person and book of Ruth from some of the best commentaries and writers of the nineteenth century and earlier. This volume includes an introduction to Ruth, as well as notes, outlines, and lessons—useable for personal or group study. It also contains three appendixes and information on each character to bring readers a deeper understanding of the text.

Alfred Leedes Hunt (1853–1936) was vicar of St. George in the East Church, London. He was also rector of several churches including St. Mary’s (1883, Essex), St. Edmonds (1897, Ipswich), and Great Snoring (1903, Norfolk).

Expository Discourses on the Book of Ruth

  • Author: T. N. Toller
  • Publisher: John Snow
  • Publication Date: 1848
  • Pages: 95

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Reverend T. N. Toller’s Expository Discourses on the Book of Ruth—though not intended for public reading—was directed to audiences of all levels of Christian maturity. In it, Toller presents a careful and affectionate approach to the book of Ruth and the principles it illustrates. He provides a clear portrait of the cultural context during that time and shows how God uses common people for his glory.

T. N. Toller (1756–1821) was a reverend at Kettering, Northamptonshire, UK.

The Beautiful Gleaner: A Hebrew Pastoral Story. Being Familiar Expositions of the Book of Ruth

  • Author: William Braden
  • Publisher: James Clarke & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1872
  • Pages: 125

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Beautiful Gleaner is a series of lectures delivered by the Reverend William Braden to his congregation. Braden illustrates the invaluable lessons and the Divine providence found in this oft-neglected book of the Bible. He also demonstrates how the story of Ruth is applicable to modern times.

Mr. Braden rightly judgest that the true Gospel to men—the Lord—is that which ennobles the holiness of all relationships and of common things. He has made the Book Ruth the occasion of discoursings on the relations of family life, and the beauty of holiness of family affections, more especially of marriage. This he has done with much ingenuity, with neatness and felicity of illustration, and often with great intellectual beauty; while a gentle spirit of beautiful piety suffuses the whole. It is a very charming little book, and should be a household volume.

British Quarterly Review

William Braden was reverend at King's Weigh House Chapel, London.


  • Author: Aubrey Charles Price
  • Publisher: Hatchards
  • Publication Date: 1869
  • Pages: 165

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This volume is a compilation of seven lectures delivered to Rev. Aubrey Price’s congregation. It analyzes the lessons and events of the book of Ruth and shows how they apply to modern-day life and experiences. Each lecture focuses on a key character in Ruth and what they represent.

Aubrey Charles Price was vicar of St. James, Clapham, and Late Fellow of New College, Oxford.

Discourses on the Book of Ruth and Other Important Subjects

  • Author: John MacGowan
  • Publisher: G. Keith
  • Publication Date: 1781
  • Pages: 413

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Discourses on the Book of Ruth and Other Important Subjects contains 16 sermons delivered by John MacGowan to his congregation. In these sermons, he unpacks the lessons revealed in Ruth and presents modern-day instructions on godly living. This volume also contains a sermon on Paul’s conversion.

The discourses are good reading.

—Charles Spurgeon

John MacGowan (1726–1780), was an author and the minister of Church of the Lord in Devonshire-square, England.

Home Life in Ancient Palestine: Studies in the Book of Ruth

  • Author: Andrew Thomson
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson and Sons
  • Publication Date: 1877
  • Pages: 213

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In Home Life in Ancient Palestine, author Andrew Thomson compiles his past lectures on Ruth to bring readers a practical perspective on this widely popular book of the Bible. His aim is to “remove its obscurities, unravel its difficulties, to state some of the many lessons of religion, morality, and prudence that are scattered over it like its own rich harvest gleanings, and to show the manifold application of these to our own circumstances and times.”

Doctor Thomson . . . gives a series of able and thoughtful discourses on the Book of Ruth, upon which considerations, as to the value of the Old Testament home-life lessons, analogous to the foregoing, appear to have had an influence. They contain some charming and suggestive writing, and also throw much light on the narrative. We wish that all who read them may rise from their perusal with the sense of invigoration which we confess that they produced on us.

The Baptist Magazine

Andrew Thomson (1814–1901) was a noted Scottish reverend who ministered his congregation for 60 years. He received his BA from Glasgow University (1836) and was ordained in 1837. In 1851 he received an honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity from Glasgow University. Thomson resigned from the pulpit in 1897.

The Book of Ruth

  • Author: Paulus Cassel
  • Publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons
  • Publication Date: 1874
  • Pages: 53

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Paulus Cassel’s The Book of Ruth is a comprehensive commentary that illustrates the significance and beauty of this short book of the Old Testament. This volume focuses on a chunk of text at a time, analyzing the textual and grammatical, exegetical and doctrinal, and homiletical and practical elements of each passage.

His commentary is very original, fresh, suggestive, abounding in historical examples and parables . . . The grammatical notes on The Book of Ruth . . . will be found very valuable, and this part of the work . . . will be regarded as a rich treasure.

The Evangelical Repository and United Presbyterian Review

Paulus Cassel (1821–1892) was a Jewish convert to Christianity, writer, lecturer, and missionary to the Jews. He was a prolific author, writing numerous books, pamphlets, and essays, including Das Buch der Richter und Ruth and Weihnachten, Ursprünge, Bräuche und Aberglauben, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Christlichen Kirche und des Deutschen Volkes.

The Book of Ruth: A Popular Exposition

  • Author: Samuel Cox
  • Publisher: The Religious Tract Society
  • Pages: 171

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This volume, though simple and straightforward, is a concise study on the person and book of Ruth. In it, Samuel Cox provides a thorough analysis of the various contexts surrounding Ruth—historical, political, and social—as well as the book's authorship and spiritual significance. The Book of Ruth also contains two appendixes on the person of Christ: as Menuchah (Resting Place) of the world, and as Goel (Redeemer) of men.

This is a most admirable little treatise, full of thought and the results of research, communicated in the most pleasant and attractive guise. Mr. Cox's gifts in the way of exposition are very marked. Few men have a greater power of giving a complete and distinctive view, unembarrassed by minor references. In his treatment of the Book of Ruth no point of interest is missed . . . There is not a dull sentence in it.

The British Quarterly Review

Samuel Cox (1826–1893) was an English minister and biblical expositor. He founded and was editor of the monthly journal The Expositor, from 1875 to 1884.

Ruth the Gleaner

  • Author: May Field McKean
  • Publisher: A. J. Rowland
  • Publication Date: 1897
  • Pages: 60

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

May Field McKean’s Ruth the Gleaner is a poetic interpretation of the Book of Ruth. In five short chapters, he offers readers a simple approach to this book of the Bible, while emphasizing the book’s essential theme: love. McKean illustrates the importance of not just loving, but being loveable and winning others to Christ through it.

The author's note indicates the especial lesson she aims to inculcate, and those for whom it was written will find it a very pleasing little volume to own.

The Baptist Home Mission Monthly

May Field McKean is the author of Behold He Goeth before You.

The Book of Ruth in Hebrew

  • Author: Charles H. H. Wright
  • Publisher: Williams and Norgate
  • Publication Date: 1897
  • Pages: 260

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

From the Introduction: "The editor had two principle objects in view in commencing the present work, namely, in the first place, to exhibit a specimen of a minute collation of Hebrew MSS, embracing not only the variations with respect to the consonants, but also those with respect to the Masoretic vowels and accents . . . And, in the second place, he desired to supply junior students with such assistance as might be needful in their early attempts at translating Hebrew, while at the same time the requirements of advanced scholars were steadily borne in mind."


  • Introduction
    • Object and Design of the Work
    • Grammatical Notes
    • Critical Notes
    • The Various Readings of the Hebrew Text
    • The Various Readings of the VSS Editions of the VSS Used
    • The Revision of the Hebrew Text
    • Collation of Hebrew MSS—MSS Collated
    • Peculiarities in orthography of MSS
    • The Targum and Its Variants
    • Abbreviations Used in the Work
    • Questions Connected with the Book of Ruth
    • Conclusion
  • Critical and Grammatical Commentary
  • Notes on the Hebrew Accentuation
  • Notes on the Targum
  • Hebrew Text with Various Readings
  • The Targum with Various Readings
  • Chaldee Glossary
Mr. Wright's edition . . . is intended for those students who wish to be thoroughly grounded in the language. The commentary enters into the niceties of grammatical construction, and learners are also properly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the details of the Masoretic accentuation.

The Westminster Review

Charles H. H. Wright (1836–1909) wrote commentaries on Daniel and Zechariah, as well as A Grammar of the Modern Irish Language.

The Rich Kinsman: The History of Ruth the Moabitess

  • Author: Stephen H. Tyng
  • Publisher: Protestant Episcopal Society for the Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge
  • Publication Date: 1855
  • Pages: 425

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Author Stephen H. Tyng wrote this volume on Ruth in order to enlighten youth and encourage them to study the Holy Scriptures. The Rich Kingsman is comprised of 19 lectures he delivered to the youth of his congregation. Engaging, it presents the themes, significance, and history of the person and book of Ruth, and brings readers a clear understanding of this little book of the Bible.

In this book we have a specimen of the instructions which the distinguished rector of St. George's Church is accustomed to give to the youthful members of his charge. He makes the Book of Ruth the basis of these instructions. . . . The youthful disciple just entering upon the warfare, the veteran soldier in the midst of the strife, and the saint ready to receive his crown, will alike be benefited by it.

The Protestant Episcopal Quarterly Review

Stephen H. Tyng (1800–1885) was rector of St. George's Episcopal Church, New York for 33 years. One of the most notable preachers of his time, he started social service programs and taught Sunday School to over 2,000 children every week.


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  1. Faithlife User
  2. M. David Johnson
  3. Adam Lambert

    Adam Lambert


  4. David Leslie Bond
  5. Larry Proffitt (I
  6. Bill Shewmaker
  7. Eduardo Vega

    Eduardo Vega



Collection value: $84.87
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