Digital Logos Edition
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At the turn of nineteenth-century came America's second Great Awakening. Out of the ashes of this second awakening arose what would eventually become one of America's largest and somewhat controversial churches, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The writings of the Mormon Church, contained in the Mormon Studies Collection (22 vols.), record not only the official teachings of the Latter-day Saints, but also contain the history of the Church, recorded sermons, and other foundational Mormon writings.
Now, with the Mormon Studies Collection (22 vols.) apologists and students of world religions have access to the primary documents of the Mormon Church in Logos. With Logos, you can easily and quickly search for a specific reference in the Book of Mormon, speeding up your study and allowing you more time for research. Having these resources in one place is extremely helpful, and when added to the rest of your digital library you are equipped for apologetic research.
24 ratings
Steve Aguirre
Tyler Carter
Michael Angelo
Nils Müller
Jeremy Gunter
Big Tex
Anthony Stevens
Keith Beller
Joshua Stone