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Mormon Studies Collection (22 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $209.79
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Almost funded


At the turn of nineteenth-century came America's second Great Awakening. Out of the ashes of this second awakening arose what would eventually become one of America's largest and somewhat controversial churches, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The writings of the Mormon Church, contained in the Mormon Studies Collection (22 vols.), record not only the official teachings of the Latter-day Saints, but also contain the history of the Church, recorded sermons, and other foundational Mormon writings.

Now, with the Mormon Studies Collection (22 vols.) apologists and students of world religions have access to the primary documents of the Mormon Church in Logos. With Logos, you can easily and quickly search for a specific reference in the Book of Mormon, speeding up your study and allowing you more time for research. Having these resources in one place is extremely helpful, and when added to the rest of your digital library you are equipped for apologetic research.

Key Features

  • The Book of Mormon, the Pearl of Great Price, and the Doctrine and Covenants in one collection
  • Twenty-six volumes of the Journal of Discourses
  • Over seven volumes on the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Product Details

  • Title: Mormon Studies Collection
  • Volumes: 22
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
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24 ratings

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  1. Steve Aguirre

    Steve Aguirre


    Logos needs to make it clear that Mormonism IS NOT part of the Historical, Biblical faith as found by Jesus and the Apostles. Many weak brothers and sisters might think the LSD non-christian cult is accepted by mainline Protestant, Evangelical Christianity.
  2. Tyler Carter

    Tyler Carter


    As a reformed baptist, I really feel like the more resources Logos has on their platform, the better. I want to use this resource to equip myself for better, prepared evangelism. To question the motives of Logos allowing this on their platform is simply anti-intellectual. Christian, your beliefs in the true Jesus can withstand scrutiny, and you can be equipped to tear down every speculation and lofty opinion raised up against the knowledge of God, IF you are prepared and equipped to do so.
  3. Jose Ramon Olvera Cedillo
    ¿Para cuándo estarán listo éstos recursos? 🙂
  4. Michael Angelo
    I was born raised Roman Catholic, served 20+ years in the US Army as an enlisted Soldier. I did not make it beyond Staff Sergeant, yet I was content to have served in the US military and gain the experience of a diverse organization. In the Army, looking back on formation as a Squad Leader, I remember memorizing each and every one in my squad. Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant, Muslim n Jew coming together and serving a greater cause for the common good. We are truely an army of ONE. Now civilians are different. The preferred leadership model is top-down, not bottom up co-creation and bias toward those who are different in race, creed, color, ethnicity and veteran status. Civilians have no clue what it takes to defend a nation with all its diversity and challenges. Civilians have no clue what life is like beyond our sovereign shores in the service of our national interests. If it does not benefit them, so what? Civilians get to go home, while Soldiers, Sailors, Marines et al are bound by oath to serve. Civilians are not bound by these oaths, nor are they responsible for their work constituents. They are only responsible for themselves. So when it comes to the difference in the religion of others, dogma of diverse faiths, their hearts are hardened and they go about their day. Foreign nationals who by law cannot run for US President, attain through liberty and hard work, leadership roles in various industries. I am not saying that FN's jam their religion down our throats, however America is still a beacon of LIberty to the rest of the world. A model of free people until they arrive and experience the culture shock of American society. Same with veterans like myself who retire and observe that the world we left is not the same any more. In summary, Logos has tools for Bible Study, both for preaching, academic research, or independent life long learning. And Logos is growing with the needs of Americans wanting to grow in that pathway. Logos is also global too. It is an American company based out of Washington State, serving the needs of a global community. So when you want to belittle or cause painful and hurtful chats with other folks wanting to learn, remember how you all got to where you are today. Learn to play in the sandbox together in peace. Treat people like you want to be treated, with respect and dignity. help each other understand your uniqueness and individuality. We as Americans are all from immigrant origins. Religious persecution was a motivator to come to America for many. Why then are you persecuting others of their religious beliefs? What did they do to you to deserve this persecution? Think about that for a while and have a nice day.
  5. Nils Müller

    Nils Müller


    And God spoke all these words: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:1-3) The teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, often referred to as Mormonism, are in direct contradiction to the foundational doctrines of traditional Christian theology. It is therefore concerning that Logos, a respected platform for theological resources, has chosen to provide space for views that many consider to be outside the bounds of orthodox Christianity.
  6. Jeremy Gunter

    Jeremy Gunter


    Most of the "reviews" for this product appear to me to be nothing more than smug, self-righteous statements that bring no one to Christ. Can you imagine if everything someone hears from Nicene Christians are statements of prejudice and condescension? We need a little more behavior like Jesus when he ministered amongst the Samaritans and a little less behavior like the Pharisees who had nothing but vitriol in their hearts for them (both Jesus and the Samaritans). People who fear this kind of information are like those who feared Porete, Wycliffe, Hus, Savonarola, Tyndale, Hubmaier, Servetus, Askew, Rogers, Willems, and countless others. Are people also afraid of the Islamic Studies Collection too? Or do they see it as a valuable resource to learn more about the beliefs of others, find areas of commonality, claim the good, and preach to correct things that aren't? While I am disappointed that the majority of these resources, if not all of them, appear to be in the public domain, and thus extremely dated, I look forward to having access to them in Logos. This package would be better if it included resources like "The Book of Mormon: Selections Annotated & Explained" by SkyLight Paths to have an academic review as well. By the way, calling the resource "Mormon Studies" instead of "Latter-day Saint Studies" is like calling a Roman Catholic resource "Papist Studies" or a resource on Islam "Mohammedan Studies". I don't know that I would call it offensive, but if you're wanting to have a respectful dialog, that's not how you do it.
  7. Big Tex

    Big Tex


    SMH. They have the Koran, and many items on Islam. If you are going to be in the field of comparative religion, or you are going to be working with academics from other religions, having access to their source materials is helpful. I suppose it is good that many of you have a "trust but verify" attitude, but I feel that others have more of a judgmental attitude, and aren't asking these questions in good will. For the record "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. " I believe this wholeheartedly, but I am personally surrounded by believers of other things... sometimes simple evangelism with the gospel works, sometimes you have to go deeper. Watch the judgment.
  8. Anthony Stevens
    It is sad to see so many in the comments imputing motives when there is no way to know what the motives of Logos are. I came out of Mormonism about 20 years ago into atheism and then accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior about 8 years ago. These tools would be a valuable resource for me to be able to utilize during my studies and in conversations with my family members (parents, siblings, etc.) who are still in it. Having access to the defining documents of Mormonism is critical to be actually able to contend with their viewpoints and discuss things from their own sources. It is extremely difficult for me to fathom how access to these resources would present a danger to biblically or historically literate Christians, of which I imagine there is a much higher proportionality among Logos users than the general populace. Let us calm down with the panic and fearmongering. Even if this gives Mormons an avenue to promote their beliefs, their beliefs don't stand up to the grounding of the teachings of Christianity. The power of the true Gospel can stand on its own. It doesn't need us to silence other viewpoints. We have no need to fear.
  9. Keith Beller

    Keith Beller


    @Logos, what is your intention regarding this material? Do you intend to promote the Morman cult/false church as a denomination of the true Christian faith?
  10. Joshua Stone

    Joshua Stone


    Many of us mormons love the Bible, and love Logos, and just want to be able to study the BoM and Bible side-by-side without having to go to different programs. I'd be very happy to see this come to fruition. Don't worry, Christians, we're not coming for you.


Collection value: $209.79
Save $9.80 (4%)

Almost funded