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Products>Church Administration: Effective Leadership for Ministry

Church Administration: Effective Leadership for Ministry

, 1985
ISBN: 9781430081081

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Church Administration: Effective Leadership for Ministry contains guidelines and procedures for effectively administrating the work of a local church. Charles Tidwell relates information about organization, objectives, ministry plans, human resources, providing controlling factors, and basic skills of church administration. Church Administration: Effective Leadership for Ministry includes appendix and bibliography.

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Top Highlights

“But administration is much more than the doing of things. It is the ‘growing’ of people. It is enabling them to lead the right people to be at the right place, with the right things, at the right time, with the right attitudes, knowledge, and skills, to perform service that is right to perform.” (Page 29)

“But a major difference in good administration and poor administration lies in the emphasis the administrator places on people as being more important than things.” (Page 35)

“A church which lives and works on purpose is much more likely to realize and to fulfill its mission than a church which lives and works by accident.” (Page 59)

“Good leadership is working appropriately with other leaders and followers to determine outcomes that are desired and right and to progress cooperatively and effectively toward their realization.” (Page 203)

“The purpose of church is to be a fellowship of persons who have received Christ and who are attempting obediently to live the way of Christ and to work faithfully with Him to bring others to God.” (Page 71)

  • Title: Church Administration: Effective Leadership for Ministry
  • Author: Charles Tidwell
  • Publisher: B&H Publishing Group
  • Publication Date: 1985
  • Pages: 256

Charles Tidwell is professor of Church Administration and Chair of Denominational Relations and associate dean for the Ed.D. Degree at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He is a graduate of Baylor University, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, and Southwestern Seminary. He is author of Educational Ministry of a Church.


3 ratings

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  1. Pastor Praise

    Pastor Praise


  2. David Strawn

    David Strawn


    Dr. Tidwell was one of my professors in both master's and doctorate study. This is a great summary of his Church Administration classes and has been most helpful in my ministry.
  3. David Taylor, Jr.
    Practical and effective. Great insight to how to run a church.


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