Digital Logos Edition
Get the facts, not the theory, on what makes churches successful.
Part research project, part detective story, Effective Evangelistic Churches reveals once and for all what brings new souls to Christ—and what doesn’t. Regardless of size or location, churches with the highest rates of baptisms tend to use the same classic evangelism tools to achieve their success. Read all the results here, compiled and presented by the same church growth expert who directed the survey.
…packed with insights on how effective churches really reach out to their communities. Based on a well-conceived study of 576 churches, it gives us facts, not theory. Save yourself some time and read this book!
—Rick Warren, senior pastor, Saddleback Valley Community Church, and author of The Purpose-Driven Church and The Purpose-Driven Life
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“Second, many church leaders shared with us the importance of a ‘public’ decision typical in revivals. A Missouri pastor explains, ‘When someone makes a public decision in a revival, he or she has already taken a major step toward identifying not only with Christ, but with the local church. We found that assimilation of new Christians to be extremely difficult unless they first made their decision known to the body.’” (Page 34)
“A second reason given for successful revivals is prayer. While the leaders of these churches work extremely hard to plan the revival, they also recognize that the results are in the hands of a sovereign God. One church devotes an entire week to prayer and fasting prior to their revival.” (Page 33)
“Pastors are waking up to the fact that long-term, evangelistic growth can only take place when the people are nurtured, taught, and educated in God’s Word.” (Page 64)
“Effective evangelism is the Great Commission evangelism of Matthew 28:19, evangelism that makes disciples.” (Page 169)
“People have been resistant to the gospel for two thousand years. It’s not a new phenomenon. But the responses of the lost should not determine the obedience or lack of obedience of the saved.’” (Page 20)
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Jairo Daniel Hernandez Vite
Serge Descoeurs