Digital Logos Edition
Based on the NKJV, David Guzik’s commentary on 1 Timothy assumes the full trustworthiness and authority of Scripture, combining insights from scholars throughout the ages. Guzik provides clear exposition, designed to help Bible readers understand what the text says, and what it means. Calvary Chapel pastor Guzik forgoes formality and dives straight into the text—no lengthy introductions or extensive footnotes. Packed with helpful insights and context, the commentary examines the English text of the biblical book with limited reference to original languages, making it an ideal tool for lay people or anyone without language training.
“We are legalists when we think what we do is what makes us right before God.” (1 Timothy 1:8–11)
“The word godliness comes from the old English word Godlikeness; it means to have the character and attitude of God” (1 Timothy 4:7–10)
“The purpose of the commandment: The purpose of the law is found in its inward work upon the heart, not in mere outward observance. Without this understanding, it is easy to become shallow legalists who are only concerned with outward performance and appearance.” (1 Timothy 1:5–7)
“When one does not live by ‘the itch for more,’ and one’s life is not dominated by shopping for and acquiring material things, we can have the kind of contentment in God and in His will for our lives.” (1 Timothy 6:6)
“Paul uses the same word translated silence in 1 Timothy 2:2, and it is translated peaceable there. The idea is without contention instead of total silence.” (1 Timothy 2:11–12)
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