Digital Logos Edition
Fresh Start Devotionals contains hundreds of devotions written by noted pastor and author Dr. James L. Wilson. Wilson’s devotions are thoughtful, concise, and to the point, helping you see your daily experiences through the lens of God’s Word. Topics include evangelism, compassion, friendship, renewal, prayer, and hundreds more.
“Discipleship isn’t what you do. Being a disciple is who you are-it changes everything. Too many people are ‘trying to act Christian’ instead of just being who they are a new creation in Christ.” (source)
“Even when the worse that can happen does happen, God is still God! He is able to deliver you!” (source)
“One thing is for sure, from the moment we are born, we are old enough to die.” (source)
“The third reason you should be baptized is that God instructs you to in the Bible.” (source)
“But as you are doing it, remember that discipleship affects everything in your life, it doesn’t just apply to what happens on Tuesday night from 7:00 to 8:00. It is for all of your life for the rest of your life.” (source)