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Products>A Formula for Parish Practice: Using the Formula of Concord in Congregations

A Formula for Parish Practice: Using the Formula of Concord in Congregations

ISBN: 9780802830265

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This book combines a rich description of the (Lutheran) Formula of Concord (1577) with experiences in today’s Lutheran parishes to demonstrate how confessional texts may still come to life in modern Christian congregations. Timothy Wengert takes the Formula of Concord—traditionally used as ammunition in doctrinal disagreements—back to its historical home, the local congregation, giving pastors, students, and theologians a glimpse into the original debates over each article. The most up-to-date English commentary on the Formula of Concord, A Formula for Parish Practice provides helpful, concise descriptions of key theological debates and a unique weaving of historical and textual commentary with modern Lutheran experience. Covering the entire Formula of Concord the book includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter.

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“a corruption so deep that there is nothing sound or uncorrupted left in the human body or soul” (Page 26)

“The reason we fight over the extent of human sin is because we are human sinners.” (Page 26)

  • Title: A Formula for Parish Practice: Using the Formula of Concord in Congregations
  • Author: Timothy J. Wengert
  • Series: Lutheran Quarterly Books
  • Publisher: Fortress Press
  • Print Publication Date: 2017
  • Logos Release Date: 2015
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subjects: Formula Concordiae; Theology, practical; Lutheran Church › Doctrines
  • ISBNs: 9780802830265, 0802830269
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-09-30T00:04:38Z

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Timothy Wengert, teaches and does research in Reformation History and the Lutheran Confessions. In 1981 he discovered and published notes on two of Martin Luther’s sermons from 1520. His dissertation, published by Librairie Droz in Geneva Switzerland, investigates Philip Melanchthon’s interpretation of John’s Gospel. While a representative for the ELCA on the Commission on Faith and Order of the National Council of Churches, he co-edited a book for Eerdmans publishing house on the role of church history in ecumenism, Telling the Churches’ Stories. In 2000 a new English edition of The Book of Concord appeared edited jointly by Robert Kolb and Timothy Wengert (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress Publishers). His translation of Luther’s Small Catechism from that volume is used widely throughout the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. He has written two other books on Philip Melanchthon: Human Freedom, Christian Righteousness (Oxford University Press) focuses on Melanchthon’s relation to Erasmus. Law and Gospel (Baker Books) concentrates on his relation to John Agricola and the third use of the law. In 1997, for the 500th anniversary of Melanchthon’s birth, he edited a book for Sheffield Academic Press entitled Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560) and the Commentary. In February 2000, the city of Bretten, Germany (Melanchthon’s birth place) awarded him Melanchthon Prize for contributions to the field of Reformation scholarship, especially for his book on Melanchthon and Erasmus.


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