Digital Logos Edition
In this book, David Andersen offers a fresh re-evaluation of Luther and his understanding of the relationship between faith and reason based on a thorough engagement with Luther’s mature writings. Andersen persuasively argues that, far from being either an irrationalist or a fideist, Luther stands within an empiricist tradition and that his pronouncements on fallen human reason can be understood only from that philosophical perspective. Based upon recent research into the writings of William of Ockham, who positively influenced Luther in this area, Andersen also shows that Luther can no longer be charged as a pessimist concerning human knowledge. He shows how reason has an important role to play for Luther in bringing people to faith, and the objectivity of Christ’s resurrection serves as the focal point that validates all Christian discourse. Andersen’s text sets forth the position that in subordinating itself to the facts of the death and resurrection of Christ for the forgiveness of sins, Luther believed reason’s created function is restored to some extent, as it receives that forgiveness in the words of Holy Scripture and the visible means of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
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