Digital Logos Edition
Luther’s ideas are puzzling to many. Catholics of various types may consider him to be the arch-Protestant; strict Protestants (including many British nonconformists) consider him to be half-Roman in outlook. His conservatism in Church order and liturgical forms may endear him to some Anglicans, while he annoys others by his insistence that neither prayer books nor ecclesiastical formularies can create Church unity but that unity of doctrine is the indispensable condition for union. In this text, H. H. Kramm sets out to interpret Luther for minister and layman alike, in an unbiased, scholarly way, while stressing Luther’s importance to contemporary thought. He puts special emphasis on questions such as: What was Luther’s attitude to morals and good works? Does “salvation by faith alone” mean that it is enough to hold a certain intellectual belief, no Christian life being required? What does he teach about peace and war; about Church and State, about political responsibility? What are his ideas about Church and ministry, about sacraments, about episcopacy and “apostolic succession”? Does Luther treat the Bible arbitrarily? Was he an anti-Semite, did he spread blind nationalism or racial hatred? What was his attitude to human reason, scholarship and free will? And many more.
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