Digital Logos Edition
Themelios is an international evangelical theological journal that expounds and defends the historic Christian faith. Its primary audience is theological students and pastors, though scholars read it as well. It was formerly a print journal operated by RTSF/UCCF in the United Kingdom, and it became a digital journal operated by The Gospel Coalition in 2008. The new editorial team, led by D.A. Carson, seeks to preserve representation, in both essayists and reviewers, from both sides of the Atlantic. Each issue contains articles on important theological themes, as well as book reviews and discussion—from the most important evangelical voices of our time.
“Surely one of Satan’s most widespread, persistent lies is that one must go outside of God’s commandments to find well-being because God’s interests and our best interests don’t always intersect.” (Page 54)
“Instead, the Emergent Church seeks to establish a community, both theological and ecclesial, that breaks down the isolation and integrates Christian faith and life. But their reaction to evangelicalism’s radical individualism has led them to emphasize the community at the expense of the individual.” (Page 34)
“For these reasons, sex is most meaningful and healthy in a relationship in which a couple has made a vow of life long commitment to each other. This provides the safest and most intimate setting for sex, for only in marriage is sex experienced in a relationship in which all of life is shared together.” (Page 62)
“In real life, the unheralded, seldom discussed world of married sex is actually the one that satisfies most people” (Page 64)
“In Genesis 1:26, the Hebrew words zachar and nekebah are used to convey ‘male’ and ‘female’. These two words are expressly sexual, and literally mean ‘piercer’ and ‘one pierced’.” (Page 56)
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