Digital Logos Edition
Building on the belief that the task of exegesis is to understand the divine-human intention locked within the biblical text, Gordon Fee provides a lucid step-by-step analysis of exegetical procedures that has made New Testament Exegesis a standard textbook for nearly two decades. Now more than ever, with an updated, newly integrated bibliography and an appendix directly addressing reader-response criticism, this essential, classic guide will assist students, scholars, and clergy in coming to grips with the New Testament.
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“For your specific text, you have now come to the absolutely essential exegetical question. What is the point of this passage? How does it fit into the overall scheme of the letter? And, more important, how does it fit right at this point in the author’s argument or exhortation? To do this well, you need to take the time to write out on your sermon use list (see 1.6, above) the two brief statements suggested in I.11 (E), namely: (1) the logic and content of your passage; (2) an explanation as to how this content contributes to the argument.” (Pages 145–146)
“Biblical preaching from the NT is, by definition, the task of bringing about an encounter between people of the present century and the Word of God—first spoken in the first century. The task of exegesis is to discover that Word and its meaning in the first-century church; the task of preaching is to know well both the exegesis of the text and the people to whom that Word is now to be spoken again, as a living Word for them.” (Pages 134–135)
“You must overcome the urge to include everything in your sermon that you have learned in your exegesis; likewise, you must overcome the urge to parade your exegesis and thus appear as the local guru.” (Page 135)
“First, avoid the danger of becoming ‘derivation happy.’ To put it simply, to know the etymology, or root, of a word, however interesting it may be, almost never tells us anything about its meaning in a given context.” (Page 79)
“Determine which of these differences is exegetically significant.” (Page 12)
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Matt DeVore
Forrest Cole
Jim Rudolph
Billy Avery
Hyoungil Lee
Dr. Gordon Arthur