Digital Logos Edition
The history of David—the unfolding drama of 2 Samuel—gives us a slice of life in the real world. We see people in their true colors: the petty, selfish, murderous, yet fiercely loyal, Joab; the war-lord Abner, honorable perhaps, but only when it suited him; the sad, incompetent Ish-Bosheth; and the miserable and vicious sons of Rimmon, who murdered Ish-Bosheth in his sleep. And there is David, the man after God's own heart, borne along by his regal calling on the tide of God's mighty providential acts.
Gordon Keddie draws out the lessons of 2 Samuel and encourages us to look expectantly for the blessing of God in our day since the story of David is a picture of David's royal Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Mediator-King who rules over all things and will, in the fullness of his time, deliver up his consummated kingdom to his Father and ours.
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“3. David was free to think of ways of serving the Lord, within the parameters of a commitment to doing the Lord’s will.” (Page 60)
“1. David was thinking of building a house for God, but God had not commanded him to do so (7:5–7).” (Page 61)
“3. God also says that he will build a house for David (7:11–13).” (Page 62)
“David declares that his motive in seeking the Lord’s blessing is not selfish, but a holy desire for the glory of God (7:25–27).” (Page 64)
“The body of the prayer begins with the praise of God as the only Sovereign God” (Page 63)
. . . A scholarly work. . . this book is a penetrating study of Israel's history during the times of David. . . . There is continual application to the life of the saint in the twentieth century.
—Jim Cromarty