Digital Logos Edition
The Continuum Library of Educational Thought is a major international reference series providing comprehensive accounts of the work of seminal educational thinkers from a variety of periods, disciplines, and traditions. St Thomas Aquinas is indisputably a major thinker in education. Vivian Boland’s volume offers the most coherent account of Aquinas’ educational thought available. His volume contains a critical exposition of Aquinas’ work on education, and evaluates Aquinas’ historical impact and continuing influence.
“Resurrection is not a special complementary bonus for a soul that is already complete and independent, but a grace necessary to re-establish the very nature of the human being (art. cit.: 111).” (Page 156)
“But these things that are other than God only are so by sharing in God’s being and perfections in the ways that creatures may so share.” (Page 141)
“On this point, Aquinas agreed that, in what the Averroists were saying, there were implications for many central Christian beliefs. Their way of undoing the integrity of the individual human person threatened the belief in personal immortality, the appreciation of the human person as a moral agent or rational animal, the theological meaning of the human being’s creation in the image of God (a theological anthropology that is required also for Christology), and the human being’s capacity for beatitude or fulfillment.” (Pages 151–152)
“Although some forms of matter neither act nor exist by themselves, but exist only through the composite, there are other forms of matter that do act by themselves and hence are subsistent. They do not exist through the composite; the composite exists through them. Not being immersed in matter, they can have acts that are not acts of a corporeal organ (De unitate intellectus caput 1, lines 488–99, 622–849). The human soul, it seems, is the only example of this other kind of ‘form of matter’.” (Page 153)
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Pau En Khai Tai Thul (Peter)
Clare Grace Ryan
Arno J Sandoval