Digital Logos Edition
This is the birth of the Church—the completion of the story of Jesus as manifested in the life of the early Church, Christ’s mystical body on Earth. Some highlights of this book include Jesus’ Ascension, the replacing of Judas; Pentecost; Peter’s primacy; the miracles of and the spread of the Gospel by the Apostles; growth of the first Christian community around Peter; Stephen, the first Christian martyr; Saul, the persecutor of Christians and his miraculous conversion; the first Church council; the mission.
“As a result of this supernatural event at Caesarea 2,000 years ago, Gentiles entered the Church and Christianized the whole world.” (Page 115)
“Moses arrived on the scene at the end of that time” (Page 84)
“resurrection of the dead is an essential Jewish teaching” (Page 308)
“It was in Alexandria that the Greek Septuagint translation of the Old Testament was translated in 250 B.C.” (Page 220)
“John Mark abandoned Paul and Barnabas and returned to Jerusalem when the group was at Perga in Pamphylia” (Page 160)