Digital Logos Edition
The AdventSource Men’s Ministries Curriculum, developed by North American Division Men’s Ministries, includes ten modules written by men’s ministry professionals. Each 90-minute module can be used as a training even for local men’s ministries personnel.
“The four interactions God had with Noah sum up the main areas of life men have to deal with: (1) God, (2) work, (3) moral decision-making, and (4) family responsibility.” (Page 8)
“Men’s ministry is an intentional attempt to bring men to God, so that they can grapple with the sin inside and outside them and make their way to God’s eternal kingdom. Men’s ministry concentrates on the male to better define and minister to the specific needs of the gender.” (Page 1)
“You won’t succeed with pushing, coercion, laying down guilt or unleashing a flood of information. You can succeed by meeting them where they are, building a sense of community among them, and presenting them with interesting challenges.” (Page 3)
“The challenge of men’s ministry is this: Men need the help of other men in order to do everything that God calls them to do.” (Page 9)
“What they decide to do is often what gets done. Many men find purpose inside their minds without having to look far for it. That sense of purpose, of getting up and doing something, is often directed toward peripheral things in life rather than the high-priority concerns that a Christian has from God. The downside is that men are often blind with a selfish frame of mind that makes them hard to live with and alienated from God.” (Page 3)