Digital Logos Edition
After His resurrection, Jesus met Cleopas and another disciple on the Road to Emmaus and explained to them everything the Old Testament said about Himself. To understand the Old Testament themes that were fulfilled in Jesus, we need to understand Old Testament thought. F. F. Bruce reveals the context of the New Testament writers’ understanding of the Old Testament by focusing on seven Old Testament themes. “These and other themes,” he says, “are fulfilled in Jesus.”
“‘In Jesus the promise is confirmed, the covenant is renewed, the prophecies are fulfilled, the law is vindicated, salvation is brought near, sacred history has reached its climax, the perfect sacrifice has been offered and accepted, the great priest over the household of God has taken his seat at God’s right hand, the Prophet like Moses has been raised up, the Son of David reigns, the kingdom of God has been inaugurated, the Son of Man has received dominion from the Ancient of Days, the Servant of the Lord … has accomplished the divine purpose, has seen light after the travail of his soul and is now exalted and extolled and made very high.’” (Page 7)
“‘if all the copies of the Old Testament were lost or destroyed, any scholar who could remember the text of the Psalms would have at his disposal the essential materials for an Old Testament theology; for the Psalter is, in a sense, the first of all Old Testament theologies’45—not systematized, but singable.” (Page 18)
“It is the establishment and maintenance of this controlling principle that exercises the necessary check on typological fancy. Thus the pattern is traced throughout both Testaments, ending with the exposition of the divine glory disclosed in Christ.” (Page 19)
“F.F. Bruce reveals the context of the New Testament writers’ understanding of the Old Testament by focusing on seven Old Testament themes. ‘These and other themes,’ he says, ‘are fulfilled in Jesus.’” (Page 7)
“By His passion Jesus fulfils what was written concerning the Son of Man and unfolds the mystery of the kingdom of God” (Page 29)
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Glenn Crouch