Digital Logos Edition
Want to make sense of the New Testament? Start with the Incarnation—a truth that goes far beyond Christmas. The miracle of Jesus’ Incarnation touches on deep truths, speaking to the very nature of God and humanity. Evans shows how the Bible consistently supports the incarnation as actual fact. He also describes the early church’s efforts to express this great mystery and explores some key questions about the incarnation and its practical implications for our daily lives.
“the doctrine of the incarnation is first and foremost a matter of doxology rather than an intellectual puzzle” (Page 5)
“by having the Logos take the place of the human mind and soul as the rational principle of Christ’s person.” (Page 15)
“Second, against Nestorius the Council affirmed that these two natures exist in hypostatic union” (Page 17)
“Arius viewed Christ as a lesser ‘god’ but not as God” (Page 14)
“The only way for sinners to be redeemed from this penalty of eternal death is for a perfect sacrifice to be offered, and Jesus as the God-man is this perfect and all-sufficient sacrifice for sin on our behalf as he took upon himself the penalty that we deserve.” (Page 8)
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Forrest Cole
Glenn Crouch