Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, the famed Welsh minister, is widely hailed as one of the greatest preachers of the last 100 years. Over the course of his career, “the Doctor” preached 28 sermons on the third chapter of the Gospel of John. However, until now, these sermons have remained unpublished and largely out of reach of today’s Christians. Reflecting on the powerful story of Jesus’s encounter with Nicodemus and what it means to be “born again,” this collection of biblical expositions highlights God’s stunning love for the world as expressed through his unique Son, Jesus Christ. Readers will be encouraged to turn to the One who promises eternal life to all who trust in him.
“We cannot make ourselves humble. There is only one thing that will ever make us really humble, and that is when we see perfection and then see what we are by contrast.” (Page 16)
“Here is a most wonderful and glorious fact: when you go to him, you go to One who knows all about you. He knows your real fundamental need. He will put his finger immediately on the essence of your trouble. He does not need any help or assistance, and this, I repeat, is to me a most comforting and encouraging thought. He will cut through all that we have put up and erected around ourselves, he will expose the ill—there it is staring us in the face.” (Pages 20–21)
“But Christianity is primarily life receiving of his fullness, and if we forget that, we miss the greatness and the glory and the splendor of it all. Our danger always, even as Christian people, is to be reducing this life—eternal life—to something that is merely a point of view, a teaching, a philosophy, a theology, or whatever. We must never do that.” (Pages 9–10)
“In other words, to put it negatively, Nicodemus is not self-satisfied or complacent.” (Page 15)
“Oh, yes, he has felt the need of help, but he has never felt helpless.” (Page 23)