Digital Logos Edition
Verse-by-verse commentary is accompanied by images, tables, appendixes, and a lengthy introductory section in Herbert Edward Ryle's study of Genesis. Ryle's writings are lucid and detailed, extensively studying the original Hebrew text and offering over 500 pages of rich biblical insight into the first book of the Pentateuch.
“He did not tell the woman to eat the fruit. The temptation which is most dangerous is rarely the most direct. The soul, which has once yielded to the temptation to distrust the goodness of God, may be left to itself to disobey Him, and, in the conflict between pleasure and the service of God, will prefer its own way. Disobedience to God is the assertion of self-will, and ‘sin is lawlessness’ (ἀνομία), 1 John 3:4.” (Page 51)
“It is this scene of ‘wrestling’ which has become, in the language of spiritual experience, the classical symbol for ‘agonizing’ in prayer.” (Page 324)
“ There shall yet be an interval of 120 years, before I bring upon mankind the catastrophe of the Deluge.’” (Page 95)
“The passage illustrates the progress of sin in Cain’s heart. Firstly, disappointment and wounded pride, aggravated by envy of his brother, lead to anger; secondly, anger unrestrained, and brooding sullenly over an imaginary wrong, rouses the spirit of revenge; thirdly, revenge seeks an outlet in passion, and vents itself in violence and murder.” (Page 72)
“ Melchizedek disappears from the page of history as suddenly as he appears” (Page 183)
There are no better books in exposition of the different parts of Scripture than those contained in the Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges. The series has long since established its claim to an honorable place in the front rank of first-rate commentaries; and the teacher or preacher who masters its volumes will be, like Apollos, mighty in the Scriptures.
—Church Sunday School Magazine
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