Digital Logos Edition
Amidst the fervor of popular apocalyptic books and unfounded “end times” theology, deSilva has written an excellent book that will help readers thoughtfully and properly approach the book of Revelation.
This is a truly unique book that studies Revelation by (1) stating the context in which it was written (Roman Asia in the first century), (2) noting why John wrote what he did to the church, and (3) powerfully applying John’s message to the church today. It is concisely written and carries a genuine spiritual message.
“The critical challenge that must be given attention before all else is the forthcoming visitation of God and God’s Messiah.” (Page 78)
“John therefore intended his letter to be understood by them, to shape their perceptions of their everyday realities, and to motivate a particular response to their circumstances.” (Page 3)
“It quickly becomes clear that this vision of the perfectly ordered cosmos is a vision of the way things ought to be, but not of the way things are in every corner of the cosmos.” (Page 39)
“The risen and glorified Lord speaks a word to the churches through the prophet John, affirming their strengths, diagnosing their weaknesses, calling them to faithful action, threatening judgment upon the recalcitrant, and promising favor for the penitent and faithful.” (Page 7)
“Rome was thus indeed seen as ‘the great city that rules over the kings of the earth’ (Rev 17:18 NRSV” (Page 23)
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Robert Polahar