Digital Logos Edition
“The use of the Old Testament in the New has long been recognized as an important field of research,” writes the author. “Too often, however, the emphasis placed upon rabbinic and Hellenistic influences has tended to subordinate and obscure the unique place of the Old Testament in the minds and theology of the early Christian writers.”
The purpose of this volume is to discover “the rationale underlying the Pauline usage both in its textual manifestation and in its theological application.” The author concludes that, “while rabbinic Judaism has influenced the mechanics of Pauline citation, one must look to the apostolic Church and to Christ Himself to find the primary source of the apostle's understanding and use of the Old Testament.”
“The Pauline use of the OT appears in three distinct forms: quotations proper, intentional and casual allusion, and dialectic and theological themes.” (Pages 10–11)
“The sayings of Christ were regarded as the Word of God by Paul,8” (Page 36)
The first full-length study in English of Paul’s hermeneutical principles. One of its outstanding merits is its comparison between Paul’s interpretative methods and those employed in the biblical commentaries from Qumran. Nothing that has been discovered or published since 1957 has in any way superseded this work.
A standard study of this important subject. Essential reading for all those who wish to be properly equipped to study the thought of Paul.
An important and valuable contribution to New Testament research.
In the study of the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament, and especially in that of Pauline corpus, this book has been a basic instrument of research.