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English Bible Collection (24 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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The English language has a rich tradition and collection of translations of the Holy Scriptures. Beginning with the Venerable Bede in the seventh century, many have taken up the mantle of making the Bible available and accessible to the common person. With the English Bible Collection (24 vols.), Logos has compiled together a select number of important and valuable English translations of the Scriptures. Each of the Bibles in the English Bible Collection (24 vols.) shows the development of the English language over time, making this collection an excellent choice for comparative English study through the translation of the Scriptures.

The English Bible Collections (24 vols.) is the perfect companion for your digital library. With Logos you can easily line up side-by-side any Hebrew or Greek text you have in your library with any of the Bibles in the English Bible Collections (24 vols.). This allows you the opportunity to compare the original language of the Bible with the translations of Tyndale, Wycliffe, and others in this collection. And if you do not have experience with Greek or Hebrew, no problem! You can easily compare modern day translations of the Bible with their ancient English relatives.

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Key Features

  • Quickly and easily search for any word or Scripture reference
  • Compare any Greek and Hebrew text side-by-side
  • Line up as many versions as you own for in-depth, verse-by-verse comparison with the Parallel Bible Versions report

Product Details

  • Title: English Bible Collection
  • Volumes: 24

Individual Titles

Geneva Bible

  • Publication Date: 1560

Published in 1560, the Geneva Bible is arguably the most important early English translation of the Bible. With the publication of the New Testament in 1557, and the complete Bible in 1560, the Geneva Bible predates the King James Version by 51 years. Some of history’s most influential men, such as William Shakespeare, Oliver Cromwell, John Milton, John Knox, and John Bunyan, used the Geneva Bible.

The Geneva Bible was also the first complete Bible to be mass produced Bible for the public, making it readily accessible for the common person to read, study, and cherish. With the inclusion of notes and study aids, the Geneva Bible was one of the first “study Bibles” to ever be published.

Wycliffe Bible

  • Author: John Wycliffe
  • Publisher: Oxford
  • Publication Date: 1850

Published between the years 1382–1395, the Wycliffe Bible is one of the earliest and most recognizable English translations of the Bible. Translated from the Latin Vulgate, the Wycliffe Bible was published with the intent to give the common people a Bible in their language, because according to Wycliffe, it profits greatly when a person can study the Bible in their own tongue and by so doing come to know Christ as Savior. Although the Wycliffe Bible was never an "authorized" translation in its time, nevertheless it remains the most common manuscript literature in Middle English remaining today.

John Wycliffe (1328–1384) was an English scholar, theologian, philosopher, preacher, and Bible translator. He was a proponent of reform in for the Church in England, standing strong against the teaching of the Catholic Church. Wycliffe was educated at Oxford, obtaining degrees in theology. Years after his death in 1384, Wycliffe was declared a heretic and his body was exhumed, burned, and tossed into the River Swift.

Tyndale New Testament

  • Author: William Tyndale
  • Publication Date: 1526

Commenced in 1522, the Tyndale New Testament was the first English Bible translation to be translated directly from the Greek texts. With the invention of the printing press, the Tyndale New Testament was also the first English Bible to be mass produced, making it easily and widely accessible for the commoner to read and study.

Inspired by an illegal copy of Luther’s German New Testament, William Tyndale took to translating the New Testament for the English reader despite severe persecution and threat of punishment. His translation of the New Testament was based on the third edition of Erasmus’ Greek New Testament, Erasmus’ Latin New Testament, the Vulgate, and Luther’s German New Testament.

William Tyndale (1494–1536) was an English scholar, translator and linguist. Educated at both Oxford and Cambridge, Tyndale earned a degree in theology. He was also a gifted linguist, fluent in French, Greek, Hebrew, German, Italian, Latin, and Spanish. Influenced by Erasmus and Luther, he translated the New Testament and from Greek into English—against the wishes of the Church. Betrayed to the authorities, Tyndale was condemned as a heretic and burned alive in 1536.

Coverdale Bible

  • Author: Myles Coverdale
  • Publisher: Samuel Bagster
  • Publication Date: 1838

The Coverdale Bible, translated into English by Myles Coverdale, was the first complete Bible translated into English. It was also the first English Bible to have the full approval from the Crown to be published. Finished and printed in 1535, the Coverdale Bible stands as a landmark in the history of the English Bible.

Myles Coverdale (1488–1569) was educated at Cambridge and later became a priest at Norwich, entering the convent of Austin friars at Cambridge. He is the first person in history to publish a complete English Bible, relying on the work of his predecessors Tyndale and others.

Jewish School and Family Bible

  • Author: Abraham Benisch
  • Publisher: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans
  • Publication Date: 1864

Abraham Benisch’s Jewish School and Family Bible was an independent Jewish translation of the Hebrew Bible into English. Published between the years of 1851–1856, Benisch published his English translation of the Old Testament so that the modern reader could have an accessible translation of their own.

Abraham Benisch (1811–1878) studied medicine at Vienna before moving to England in 1841. He was the editor of the Jewish Chronicle as well as an activist for the cause of the Jewish people.

The Twenty-Four Books of the Holy Scriptures

  • Author: Isaac Leeser
  • Edition: Fourth
  • Publisher: The Bloch Publishing and Printing Company
  • Publication Date: 1891

Isaac Leeser’s The Twenty-Four Books of the Holy Scriptures is an English translation carefully translated from the Masoretic Hebrew text. Leeser’s translation was the first Jewish translation of the Bible to be published in the United States.

Isaac Leeser (1806–1868) was a Jewish lay minister, author, translator, editor and publisher. He was fluent in Latin, German, and Hebrew. Leeser founded the Jewish Press of America.

The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments, in the Common Version. With Amendments of the Language

  • Author: Noah Webster
  • Publisher: Durrie & Peck
  • Publication Date: 1913

Begun in 1831 and finished in 1833, Noah Webster’s The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments, in the Common Version is a revision of the KJV into modern English. Because the Bible was widely used in classroom settings for reading practices, Webster edited the archaic and outdated English and updated the text with English that the modern reader would understand.

Noah Webster (1758–1843) was a lexicographer, reformer of the English language, editor, and political writer. He has often been called the "Father of American Scholarship and Education." He is widely recognized today as the father of the American dictionary; his name still recognized as the "Webster" in the Merriam-Webster dictionaries.

The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments. An Improved Edition (Based in Part on the Bible Union Version)

  • Publisher: American Baptist Publication Society
  • Publication Date: 1913

The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments is the product of the Bible Union and is a revision of an earlier work published in 1865, also contained in this collection.

The New Dispensation: The New Testament Translated from the Greek

  • Author: Robert D. Weekes
  • Publisher: Funk & Wagnalls
  • Publication Date: 1897

The New Dispensation is a translation of the Greek New Testament into English. Because Greek does not translate smoothly into English, Weekes was sensitive to certain idioms, tenses, etc. in order to render in English what the Greek text was conveying.

The New Testament in Modern Speech

  • Author: Richard Francis Weymouth
  • Publisher: James Clarke and Co.
  • Publication Date: 1903

The New Testament in Modern Speech is a translation into everyday English from the Greek of the Resultant Greek Testament, edited also by Weymouth.

Richard Francis Weymouth (1822–1902) was an English lay Baptist preacher educated at the University College London. He was a fellow at the University College London and the editor of The Resultant Greek Testament.

William Whiston’s Primitive New Testament

  • Author: William Whiston
  • Publication Date: 2001
  • Pages: 1745

In this revision of the King James Version, William Whiston based his translation of the New Testament from three "primitive" manuscripts: the Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis for the Gospels and Acts; the Codex Claromontanus for the Pauline epistles; and the Codex Alexandrinus for the remaining content.

William Whiston (1667–1752) succeeded mentor Isaac Newton as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge. He was the author and translator of numerous works, including The Works of Josephus.

A Liberal Translation of the New Testament

  • Author: Edward Harwood
  • Publication Date: 1768

With a Liberal Translation of the New Testament, Edward Harwood sought to translate the Greek New Testament to a popular form, just like other Greek classical works were being loosely translated in that era. His aim was "to cloathe the genuine ideas and doctrines of the Apostles with that propriety and perspicuity, in which they themselves, I apprehend, would have exhibited them had they now lived and written in our language."

Edward Harwood (1729–1794) was born in Darwen, Lancashire. After the publication of his Introduction to New Testament Studies he was awarded a Doctor of Divinity from the University of Edinburgh. His numerous works include Cheerful Thoughts on the Happiness of a Religious Life, Sermons on the Parable of the Sower, and Of Temperance and Intemperance.

Samuel Davidson New Testament

  • Author: Samuel Davidson
  • Publisher: Henry S. King & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1876

Known as the Samuel Davidson New Testament, The New Testament, Translated from the Critical Text of Von Tischendorf provides an in-depth history of the criticism, translation, and interpretation of the New Testament since the KJV.

Samuel Davidson (1807–1898) was a professor of biblical criticism at the Royal College of Belfast, then the chair of biblical criticism, literature, and oriental languages at Lancashire Independent College. His numerous works include Sacred Hermeneutics Developed and Applied, Lectures on Ecclesiastical Polity, An Introduction to the New Testament, and The Doctrine of Last Things in the New Testament.

Alexander Campbell New Testament

  • Author: Alexander Campbell
  • Publisher: Christian Board of Publication
  • Publication Date: 1914

Read the New Testament translation edited by an influential leader of the Restoration movement and the Church of Christ. Alexander Campbell was convinced that the Authorized Version of the New Testament was rife with poor translation, bad theology, and awkward English. To address these problems, he compiled a new edition—a bold move in his time. Based on the earlier work of George Campbell, James MacKnight, and Phillip Doddridge, it went on to become the preferred version of the Campbell-Stone movement throughout the nineteenth century. Commonly known as The Living Oracles New Testament, this translation is hailed as the first of the modern versions.

Alexander Campbell (1788–1866) was a leader in the Second Great Awakening in the 19th century. Educated at the University of Glasgow, Campbell immigrated to the United States in 1809. He edited and published two journals from his publishing company, The Christian Baptist and The Millennial Harbinger. He compiled and wrote essays and notes for The Living Oracles New Testament.

J. G. Palfrey New Testament

  • Author: John Gorham Palfrey
  • Publisher: Gray and Bowen
  • Publication Date: 1830

The New Testament in the Common Version, Conformed to Griesbach’s Standard Greek Text, known as the J. G. Palfrey New Testament, is based on a revision of the KJV by J. J. Griesbach. Griesbach’s work was revolutionary because he revised the text itself, rather than making his preferences known in the margin. Palfrey, a professor at Harvard Divinity, followed Griesbach’s lead and updated the text itself to reflect updated punctuation and other revisions for his lectures in the college. His volume was published anonymously at first, for it was meant for small circulation among his students, but eventually was widespread and serves as an early example of the textual criticism pioneered by Griesbach.

J. G. Palfrey (1796–1881) was a Unitarian minister who served as a US Representative from Massachusetts. He graduated from Harvard University in 1815, and was a member of the second class of graduates from Harvard Divinity School, where he would eventually become Professor of Biblical Literature and Dean of Faculty. He was editor of the Christian Examiner and the North American Review, and published numerous works, including the five-volume History of New England to the Revolutionary War.

Sharpe Bible

  • Author: Samuel Sharpe
  • Publisher: Williams and Norgate
  • Publication Date: 1883

In 1840, Sharpe published an English revision of the New Testament based off J. J. Griesbach’s Greek translation. In 1865, he published a revision of the KJV Old Testament. These were published together the year of his death, and are known as the Sharpe Bible. A historian and Egyptologist, his revisions mainly focused in antiquarian matters, in manners and customs, in geography, natural history, and also political history, by removing vague generalities—"allowing the writers to point clearly to persons living in their own time."

Samuel Sharpe (1799–1881) was an Egyptologist, historian, and biblical translator. Sharpe made his living as a banker for more than 40 years before retiring to devote his fulltime to his studies. His works include Egyptian Inscriptions, History of Egypt from the Earliest Times till AD 640, and History of the Hebrew Nation and Literature.

The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Revised from the Authorized Version with the Aid of Other Translations and Made Conformable to the Greek Text of J. J. Griesbach

  • Author: Edgar Taylor
  • Publisher: William Pickering
  • Publication Date: 1840

Edgar Taylor’s revision of the KJV New Testamemt used J. J. Griesbach’s Greek New Testament as a guide, but also synthesized the revisions from other translators, such as William Newcome, Alexander Campbell, and Moses Stuart.

Edgar Taylor (1793–1839) was a Unitarian minister and the superintendent editor of the 1818 reprint J. J. Griesbach’s Greek Testament. He also authored numerous other works, including The Suffolk Bartholomeans: A Memoir of the Ministerial and Domestic History of John Meadows, The Book of Rights, and Lays of the Minnesingers, or, German Troubadours of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries.

The New Testament: Translated from the Original Greek

  • Author: Leicester Ambrose Sawyer
  • Publisher: Walker, Wise, & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1861

Sawyer’s English translation of the New Testament is based on Tischendorf’s Greek New Testament. The Preface states that the translation is "a strict literal rendering," aiming "to express the original with the utmost clearness, force, and precision. It adopts a thoroughly modern style, except for the prayers, and makes freely whatever changes are necessary for this purpose."

Leicester Ambrose Sawyer (1807–1898) studied theology at Princeton and was ordained in the Presbyterian ministry in 1832, but later joined the Congregational Church, and then the Unitarian. He was the author of numerous works, including Organic Christianity, A Dissertation on Servitude, Critical Exposition of Baptism, Daniel: With Its Apocryphal Additions, and The Elements of Biblical Interpretation.

The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: The Common English Version

  • Publisher: American Bible Union
  • Publication Date: 1866

This revised New Testament was prepared under the auspices of the American Bible Union, by the most competent scholars of the day. They followed these rules for the revision:

  • The received Greek text, critically edited, with known errors corrected, must be followed
  • The common English version must be the basis of revision, and only such alterations must be made as the exact meaning of the text and the existing state of the language may require.
  • The exact meaning of the inspired text, as that text expressed it to those who understood the original Scriptures at the time they were first written, must be given in corresponding words and phrases, so far as they can be found in the English language, with the least possible obscurity or indefiniteness.

The American Bible Union published another revision in 1912. Both were widely used.

An Attempt toward Revising Our English Translation of the Greek Scriptures

  • Author: William Newcome
  • Publisher: Thomas B. Wait and Company
  • Publication Date: 1796

Published in two volumes as An Attempt toward Revising Our English Translation of the Greek Scriptures, Newcome’s New Testament is thought to be the first to use the critical text of J. J. Griesbach as the basis for translation.

William Newcome (1729–1800) earned his MA in 1753 and his DD in 1765 from Hertford College. In 1795 he was made archbishop of Armagh and primate of Ireland. His surviving works include An English Harmony of the Four Evangelists, Observations on Our Lord’s Conduct as a Divine Instructor, and several sermons.

Julia Smith Bible

  • Author: Julia E. Smith
  • Publisher: American Publishing Company
  • Publication Date: 1876

"It may seem presumptuous for an ordinary woman with no particular advantages of education to translate and publish alone, the most wonderful book that has ever appeared in the world, and thought to be the most difficult to translate." Against all odds, Julia Smith did it. The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments is the first complete translation of the Bible by a woman. The work is strictly literal, even when the literalness rendered the passages incoherent in their English translation.

Julia Evelina Smith (1792–1886) was a political activist involved in causes including abolitionism and women’s suffrage. She also published a book, Abby Smith and Her Cows, documenting her and her sister’s tax resistance struggle over the historic Kimberly Mansion in Glastonbury, Connecticut.

Helen Spurrell Old Testament

  • Author: Helen Spurrell
  • Publisher: James Nisbet and Co.
  • Publication Date: 1885

Helen Spurrell, who taught herself Hebrew after her fiftieth birthday, set out to translate the unpointed Hebrew text of the Old Testament. A Translation of the Old Testament Scriptures from the Original Hebrew was the result, and it garnered much positive attention from critics.

Helen Spurrell (1819–1891) was born in Islington, London, and educated at Balliol College, Oxford. She was married to Rev. James Spurrell, who was later an Anglican vicar in Great Shelford, Cambridgeshire. An accomplished musician and artist, her translation of the Old Testament was published when she was 66, nearly 15 years after she started the project.

The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments and the Apocrypha Translated out of the Original Tongues (English Revised Version)

  • Publisher: University Press
  • Publication Date: 1895

This revision of the KJV used the texts of Westcott and Hort and Samuel Tregelles as their basis for the revision of the New Testament. The Old and New Testaments and the Apocrypha contain separate, detailed introductions on the process and method of revision.

H. T. Anderson New Testament

  • Author: Henry T. Anderson
  • Publisher: John P. Morton & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1864

The H. T. Anderson New Testament was published as The New Testament Translated from the Original Greek. Anderson was part of the Disciples of Christ (Campbell Movement) in the early 19th century, and his translation reflects those leanings: "baptizmo" is translated as "immerse" in every instance. Before he died, he sent his publisher and friend instructions to revise this translation error, and to substitute "baptism" whenever the reference was to the ordinance. Besides this controversy, his translation was well regarded by scholars and was reviewed positively.

Henry T. Anderson (1812–1872) was a minister of the denomination known as the Campbellites or Disciples of Christ. After publishing his translation of the New Testament in 1864, he began working on a revised translation based on the text of Tischendorf, and died just after its final completion. It was published as as The New Testament Translated from the Sinaitic Manuscript Discovered by Constantine Tischendorf at Mt. Sinai in 1918.


15 ratings

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  1. Andrew Heckmaster
    These historical English translation are like a time capsule of the English language. I highly recommend this to any and all biblical scholars or anyone who is particularly interested in English or American History as a subject. They could be cheaper, but you really do get a lot of Bible for the price.
  2. Aaron



  3. Mark Spencer

    Mark Spencer


    Great tool.
  4. Eugene



  5. Kelsey T Coleman
  6. Kiyah



    Please add the Bishops' Bible to this collection.
  7. Meshaal



  8. Oldnewbie



    No disappointment here! Thank you Logos for providing English translations I didn't even know existed. The Benisch, Leeser, and Spurrell translations are a very welcome addition to my OT studies along with the Thomson translation of the Septuagint and the Targum translations from the Early Bible Translations collection. I haven't even had a chance to look at the NT translations yet but I know that will be great, too. Great work!
  9. Gregorio Billikopf
    I feel an immense amount of gratitude for this extensive collection. It would have been worth it just for Leeser, Geneva, Tyndale and Spurrell alone. I have hard copies of some of these Bibles that I had to leave behind upon my return to Chile. The Geneva Bible hard copy is huge. I look forward to studying the versions I am not familiar with, also. Thank-you Logos.
  10. Eric Weiss

    Eric Weiss


    $23.34 + tax, shipped today. I apparently already had a few of these volumes. Thanks, Community Pricing!


Collection value: $237.75
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