Digital Logos Edition
In one systematic volume, James Montgomery Boice provides a readable overview of Christian theology. Both students and pastors will benefit from this rich source that covers all the major doctrines of Christianity.
With scholarly rigor and a pastor’s heart, Boice carefully opens the topics of the nature of God, the character of his natural and special revelation, the fall, and the person and work of Christ. He then goes on to consider the work of the Holy Spirit in justification and sanctification. The book closes with careful discussion of ecclesiology and eschatology.
This updated edition includes a foreword by Philip Ryken and a section-by-section study guide. Both those long familiar with Boice and those newly introduced to him will benefit from his remarkable practicality and thoroughness, which will continue to make this a standard reference for years to come.
“First, knowledge of God is important, for only through the knowledge of God can an individual enter into what the Bible terms eternal life. Jesus indicated this when he prayed, ‘And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent’ (Jn 17:3).” (Pages 9–10)
“Third, the knowledge of God also gives us knowledge of this world: its good and its evil, its past and its future, its purpose and its impending judgment at the hand of God.” (Page 11)
“The rationalistic approach is impersonal and amoral. The emotionalistic approach is without content, transient and also often immoral. ‘Is this the end?’ many are asking. ‘Are there no other possibilities? Is there not a third way?’” (Page 7)
“A weak god produces no strong followers, nor does he deserve to be worshiped. A strong God, the God of the Bible, is a source of strength to those who know him.” (Page 12)
“Shortly after Harvard College was founded in 1636, the trustees of the school wrote, ‘Let every student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well [that the] maine end of his life and studies is to know God and Jesus Christ … and therefore to lay Christ in the bottome, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning.’ In the 350 or so years since, Harvard (as well as most other schools, colleges, and universities) has moved far in a purely secular direction. But the words of those early trustees are still true, and many people still see their chief goal in life as knowing God better.” (Page xv)
James Boice was the best preacher I’ve known, but he was also a major figure in the defense of the faith against liberalism. Widely educated, he was always consumed with a passion to proclaim God’s word rather than flatter the academy. This is a learned but also pastoral theology, practical because it feeds the sheep with the rich pastures of Scripture. I’m so glad that this one-volume edition is being made available to a new audience! Read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest this feast of the soul.
—Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California
The proper home of theology is not the classroom but the church, and theologians serve the church best when they help its members think and speak about God rightly. James Montgomery Boice understood the importance of theology, and this book bears witness to a life spent in service to the church. Boice presents complicated doctrines with clarity, and he always pays close attention both to Scripture and the Christian tradition. His writing is accessible and pastorally sensitive, and he displays a deep concern for the needs of everyday believers. This book should be in every pastor’s study. It would make an excellent graduation gift, could serve as the basis for rich small group discussions, and would enrich the work of academics from a variety of disciplines. It has endured the test of time for good reason, and it will continue to enrich the church wherever it is read.
—Keith L. Johnson, associate professor of theology, Wheaton College
Republication of Foundations of the Christian Faith by James Montgomery Boice, the superlative minister of Tenth Presbyterian Church, will surely be welcomed by scholars and serious students of the Bible. This classic overview of Christian faith is a masterful balance of often opposing qualities. It is simultaneously comprehensive yet readable. It is accessible for serious believers, seeking college students, and newcomers to the faith. It is warmly pastoral yet theologically rich. It is theologically Calvinistic and trinitarian but above all focused on Scripture. Herein, ancient truth illuminates contemporary life. This monumental harvest of Dr. Boice’s ministry belongs in every serious Christian’s study.
—Peter A. Lillback, president, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia
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