Digital Logos Edition
For over 80 years, IVP UK has published valuable resources for Bible study at both the popular and academic level. This impressive bundle brings together some of its most-respected series, including The Bible Speaks Today Commentary series and N.T. Wright’s For Everyone series, and the Tyndale Old and New Testament Commentaries.
Get scholarly practical guidance on biblical theology with the New Studies in Biblical Theology series, as well, as insights from some of the leading preachers and bible scholars of the English-speaking world, such as John Stott, Greg. K. Beale, Derek Kidner, Tremper Longman III, and D.A. Carson.
This massive collection from IVP combines the Tyndale Old Testament Commentary (TOTC) and the Tyndale New Testament Commentary (TNTC) to provide an exposition of Scripture that is thorough and abreast of modern scholarship, yet at the same time loyal to Scripture as the infallible Word of God.
The Tyndale Commentary Series has long been a trusted resource for Bible study. Written by some of the world’s most distinguished evangelical scholars, each book offers clear, reliable, and relevant expositions.
The Tyndale Bible Commentaries are designed to help the reader of the Bible understand what the text says and what it means. The Introduction to each book gives a concise but thorough treatment of its authorship, date, original setting and purpose. Following a structural analysis, the Commentary takes the book section-by-section, drawing out its main themes, and also comments on individual verses and problems of interpretation. Additional Notes provide fuller discussion of particular difficulties. The aim throughout is to explain the true meaning of the Bible and make its message plain.
Titles Included:
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The Bible Speaks Today (BST) commentary series focuses on what Christians can learn from the Old Testament, rather than merely commenting on academic theories. Written largely by conservative evangelicals with real-world preaching and pastoral experience, the series often acts as a collection of expository sermons—rich with practical implications.
The BST series is characterized by a threefold ideal: to expound the biblical text with accuracy, to relate it to contemporary life, and to be readable. If you preach or teach from Scripture, this series will help you apply the timeless biblical message to the everyday experiences of your listeners. If you study the Bible on your own, this series will be a helpful resource focusing on the significance of God’s Word for your own life and work.
Titles Included:
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Learn about the individual and often challenging themes interwoven across the Bible through biblical theology. The New Studies in Biblical Theology (NSBT) series helps you carefully and sensitively address key issues in a clear biblical theology approach. By simultaneously instructing and edifying, interacting with current scholarship, the NSBT points the way forward. Drawing from well-respected biblical scholars such as D.A. Carson, Craig L. Blomberg, and G.K. Beale, this series represents the elite in biblical theology.
Each NSBT volume focuses on these three areas:
While the NSBT volumes interact with the best of recent research, they avoid untransliterated Greek and Hebrew or too much specialist jargon. They are written within the framework of confessional evangelicalism, but they also engage a variety of other relevant viewpoints and significant literature.
Titles Included:
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The New Testament for Everyone Series (18 vols.) provides a series of guides to the books of the New Testament. N.T. Wright has undertaken a tremendous task: to provide guides to all the books of the New Testament, and to furnish them with his own fresh translation of the entire text.
Throughout the series, Wright’s own translation is combined with a highly readable discussion, with background information, useful explanation and interpretation, and thoughts as to how the text can be relevant to our lives today.
Titles Included:
For more information on this product, see here.
Expand your understanding of biblical theology with this curated collection of resources covering a range of important theological topics. The Biblical Theology Bundle gathers prominent voices and examines key themes in biblical theology—adding new depth and filling gaps in your library.
Get insight from scholars including John Stott, Alexander T. Desmond, Bruce Milne, Craig Blomberg and more. See Scripture’s narrative clearly connect and develop a deeper understanding of the development of theology across the entire Bible. From a biblical theology approach to preaching, to Jesus’ servant leadership and the historical reliability of the gospels—this collection provides a full range of resources to equip your biblical studies and understanding of theological issues within a comprehensive biblical framework.
Titles Included:
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The Apollos Old Testament Commentary (AOTC) aims to take with equal seriousness the divine and human aspects of Scripture. It expounds the books of the Old Testament in a scholarly manner accessible to non-experts, and it shows the relevance of the Old Testament to modern readers. Written by an international team of scholars and edited by David W. Baker and Gordon J. Wenham, these commentaries are intended to serve the needs of those who preach from the Old Testament, as well as scholars and all serious students of the Bible.
The AOTC series introduces and examines the books of the Old Testament, bridging the gap between the age in which they were written and the age in which we now read them. Each commentary begins with an Introduction which gives an overview of the issues of date, authorship, sources, and outlines the theology of the book, providing pointers towards its interpretation and contemporary application. An annotated Translation of the Hebrew text by the author forms the basis for the subsequent commentary.
Within the commentary, form and structure sections examine the context, rhetorical devices, and source and form-critical issues of each passage. Comment sections offer thorough, detailed exegesis of the historical and theological meaning of each passage, and explanation sections offer a full exposition of the theological message within the framework of biblical theology and a commitment to the inspiration and authority of the Old Testament.
Titles Included:
For more information on this product, see here.
The IVP UK Reference Collection makes available some of the most useful reference works in Bible and theology. With a world class reputation, IVP’s dictionaries and single volume commentaries have set a high standard for blending rigorous scholarship with practical and pastoral accessibility. Providing nearly eight thousand pages of reference material, you will be able to dig into fascinating and important topics in biblical theology, geography, cultural, and exegesis.
Discover answers to questions of authorship in Hebrew or the Pastoral Epistles or dive deep in to challenging interpretive and theological issues in the Book of Isaiah. The IVP UK Reference Collection the resources you need for in depth study of Scripture and its teaching.
Titles Included:
For more information on this product, see here.
Contours of Christian Theology is a series of concise introductory texts focused on the main themes of Christian theology. The authors introduce perennial questions and time-tested solutions while moving forward to explore contemporary issues and rework evangelical formulations of the faith.
Series editor Gerald Bray is joined by a select group of respected teachers and theologians, each committed to bringing students, pastors and interested readers up to date on the many ongoing discussions in theology.
Titles Included:
For more information on this product, see here.
In many ways, Proverbs is similar to the wisdom literature of the wider ancient Near East. However, while the book initially appears to consist primarily of practical advice, wisdom is grounded in a relationship with God.
In this replacement Tyndale Commentary, Lindsay Wilson shows how the first nine chapters provide a reading guide for the many proverbs in subsequent chapters; and how the fear of the Lord, choosing wisdom not folly, and having our characters formed by wisdom are crucial for understanding Proverbs as Christian Scripture and living out our faith in daily life.
The Tyndale Commentaries are designed to help the reader of the Bible understand what the text says and what it means. The Introduction to each book gives a concise but thorough treatment of its authorship, date, original setting, and purpose. Following a structural Analysis, the Commentary takes the book section by section, drawing out its main themes, and also comments on individual verses and problems of interpretation. Additional Notes provide fuller discussion of particular difficulties.
In the new Old Testament volumes, the commentary on each section of the text is structured under three headings: Context, Comment, and Meaning. The goal is to explain the true meaning of the Bible and make its message plain.
For more information on this product, see here.
Daniel asserts that the meaning of history is that God's kingdom is coming. As it does, faithful people persevere in their work for God. Believers can rely on the certainties the book proclaims: God is sovereign over human affairs and is effectively bringing in his eternal kingdom, which will encompass all nations. In this Tyndale commentary, Paul House shows how Daniel rewards readers who embrace its historical, literary, and theological features as key means of personal and community formation.
The Tyndale Commentaries are designed to help the reader of the Bible understand what the text says and what it means. The Introduction to each book gives a concise but thorough treatment of its authorship, date, original setting, and purpose. Following a structural Analysis, the Commentary takes the book section by section, drawing out its main themes, and also comments on individual verses and problems of interpretation. Additional Notes provide fuller discussion of particular difficulties.
In the new Old Testament volumes, the commentary on each section of the text is structured under three headings: Context, Comment, and Meaning. The goal is to explain the true meaning of the Bible and make its message plain.
For more information on this product, see here.
The prophet Hosea lived through the tumultuous final decades of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The Assyrian invasion culminated in the destruction of Samaria, the end of the Northern Kingdom, and the exile of many of its people. Hosea called the people to faith in God through warnings of judgment and promises of hope. He exposed the people’s infidelity as they turned to other nations, to their own counsels or to other gods for their life and prosperity. Such turning to others for what God alone could give them was, using Hosea’s most famous metaphor, “whoring.” As God’s people, they needed to reckon with “their” God, who had showered them with care and grace. For Hosea, it was their refusal to “return” to their Lord that brought God’s judgment upon them in the form of the Assyrian invasion.
In this Apollos Old Testament Commentary, Joshua Moon sets the prophecies of Hosea in the context of the eighth century BC. The concern of his commentary is the importance of reading Hosea as Christian scripture, in which we are meant to hear God’s own voice as he calls his people to himself. Moon demonstrates the continuing importance of hearing God's words through Hosea, situating the reading of each section within larger biblical and theological concerns.
For more information on this product, see here.
Among the Gospels, John’s is unique. It has a structure with long conversations and extended debates, and much of its content is not found elsewhere. Jesus’ relationship to the Father and his teaching on the Holy Spirit are given special prominence. Ultimately, faith, believing in Jesus, is at the center—with signs highlighted to provoke faith and stories of those who responded to Jesus as examples of faith. Colin Kruse ably shows how the Fourth Gospel weaves its themes of belief and unbelief into its rich Christology.
The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries have long been a trusted resource for Bible study. Written by some of the world’s most distinguished evangelical scholars, these twenty volumes offer clear, reliable, and relevant explanations of every book in the New Testament.
These Tyndale volumes are designed to help readers understand what the Bible actually says and what it means. The introduction to each volume gives a concise but thorough description of the authorship, date, and historical background of the biblical book under consideration. The commentary itself examines the text section by section, drawing out its main themes. It also comments on individual verses and deals with problems of interpretation. The aim throughout is to get at the true meaning of the Bible and to make its message plain to readers today.
For more information on this product, see here.