Digital Logos Edition
The Song of Songs is an often confusing and controversial book of the Bible—but rich with meaning for those who understand the unfolding story of Scripture. How does this collection of love poems fit in with the rest of God’s Word, and what does it mean for us today? Guiding readers through the Song of Songs verse by verse, this fresh, practical explanation of a fascinating yet often misunderstood portion of the Bible will reveal important insights into romance, marriage, friendship, and human sexuality that are relevant today. This book speaks not only to those navigating romantic relationships, but also to those seeking deeper intimacy with Jesus, because it reveals how the story of love and marriage depicted in the Bible is a living picture of a Christian’s relationship with God himself.
“In the Song, the woman is not a land to be conquered by the man or a field to be planted with his seed; she is a vineyard to be cultivated by him so that together they can enjoy the sweet wine of their relationship.” (Page 35)
“But if we read this book the way it was meant to be read—as a loose collection of love songs from a steamy romance that became a happy marriage—we will enter into its joy.” (Page 32)
“The relationship at the center of the Song of Songs is not a sexual hookup; it is a spiritual friendship, and this is essential to their joy.” (Page 92)
“By this reasoning, the cross is an expression of matrimonial affection—the sacrificial love of a doting husband for a beloved bride.” (Page 18)
“But I do want to be faithful to God’s purposes for marriage and romance, which the Bible consistently regards as mysteries that point beyond themselves to God’s everlasting love. Whenever we talk about the way that a husband loves his wife, we are never simply talking about marriage; we are always talking about Christ’s great love for the church (see Eph. 5:25–32). The sexual union of man and wife is not an allegory, strictly speaking, but it is analogous to the spiritual union that God shares with his people.” (Pages 14–15)
Phil Ryken is a master expositor of the Scripture, and he uses all his ability to beautifully unpack one of the most intriguing and difficult books of the Bible to understand—the Song of Songs. Historically, interpreters have read the book as either/or. It is either about human romance or about our relationship with Jesus. Ryken reads the book as both/and—both in its immediate historical context (about romance) and its whole canonical context (about the spousal love of Jesus Christ.) And of course, biblical wisdom about love and sexuality has perhaps never been as crucial and needed by the church as it is today. An important book for us all!
—Timothy Keller, Founding Pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York City
Our culture is deeply confused about sexuality and marriage. Not coincidentally, it is equally confused about the God who created humanity for a committed, exclusive, loving relationship with himself. This book shows us the remedy in the Song of Songs, the divine love song that shows us how our human marriages ought to work and how they ought to mirror Christ’s passionate love for his bride. Ryken shows us how the song speaks to everyday relationships and, in doing so, how it points us to the One who made us for himself
—Iain M. Duguid, Professor of Old Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary; author, Song of Songs (Reformed Expository Commentary)
Phil Ryken looks at this neglected book of the Bible, Song of Songs, on its own terms and with wonderful gospel awareness. He presents a truly thrilling vision of human sexuality along with the lover’s heart of God himself. It has had a deep impact on me already and I’d love for you to benefit from it too.
—Sam Allberry, Speaker, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries; author, Is God Anti-Gay? and 7 Myths about Singleness
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