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The Dream Giver

ISBN: 9781633891296



Bestselling author Bruce Wilkinson shows how to identify and overcome the obstacles that keep millions from living the life they were created for. He begins with a compelling modern-day parable about Ordinary, who dares to leave the Land of Familiar to pursue his Big Dream. With the help of the Dream Giver, Ordinary begins the hardest and most rewarding journey of his life. Wilkinson gives readers practical, biblical keys to fulfilling their own dream, revealing that there’s no limit to what God can accomplish when we choose to pursue the dreams He gives us for His honor.

Like Richard Bach’s 1970 classic, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, this little guide by the bestselling author of the Prayer of Jabez franchise is a story about pursuing one’s dreams. But it aims to be a “practical and innovative guide to achieving your Big Dream” as well. The first part of Wilkinson’s slender book is the fable of person searching for what’s missing in his life. A “Nobody named Ordinary who lived in the Land of Familiar,” he decides, finally, to pursue his higher calling; he encounters-and overcomes-many obstacles along the way. In the second part of the book, Wilkinson plays the role of a Dream Coach, counseling readers on how to achieve their own Big Dreams though facing their fears, enduring hardships, surrendering to God, and realizing their full potential. Looking back to moments in the tale of Ordinary, Wilkinson reemphasizes and reiterates the lessons learned by his everyman, employing personal anecdotes, scripture and impassioned prose. The book speaks plainly of achieving lofty goals and overcoming conflict, and the message of the parable may touch the hearts of readers who need a spiritual push. But it may also strike some as overly simplistic, since the tone veers towards childish at times (“We’ve all seen how Bullies work. Remember, they react primarily because you have disturbed their Comfort Zone. They feel threatened. They feel losing something important-their security or routine, their assumptions about success. Maybe they feel that they’re losing you”). That said, those who need warm, enthusiastic encouragement should find it here.

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Bruce Wilkinson is a Christian teacher and author. He was born in New Jersey and graduated from Northeastern Bible College (B.A. and Th. B. ), Dallas Theological Seminary (Th. M. ) and Western Conservative Baptist Seminary (D.D.). He served as a college professor at Multnomah School of the Bible in Portland, Oregon, until resigning to launch Walk Thru the Bible in June 1976. He is best known for his best-selling (and, in some circles, highly controversial) book The Prayer of Jabez in 2000.


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